Montauk Is Another Place Called Home | Teen Ink

Montauk Is Another Place Called Home

November 4, 2016
By charlottegaddi BRONZE, Southborough, Massachusetts
charlottegaddi BRONZE, Southborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine willingly waking up at the crack of dawn to hear the synchronized crashing of the oceans waves from your bedroom window. For some this is just a fantasy, but for me it's my home. Home isn’t just the place you live, but it's also the people who you share laughter, love, and adventure with. Hither Hills is another neighborhood that I call my home. Every summer I reside in a beach town called Montauk. Montauk is located on the eastern end of Long Island. What’s so special about this place you ask? Picture a place where life is simple. No stress, no negativity, just happiness. Driving along highway 27 east into Montauk has an imposing effect that is magical. It is a tradition to blast Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd while cruising down Old Montauk Highway while my hair blows with the warm summertime wind. A smile instantly forms on my face upon entering Montauk.

There is only one road to enter Montauk, and one to exit. No stop lights. No chain restaurants or stores, only local family owned businesses. Time slows down here. The fresh seafood and ocean air scent creates a feeling of bliss. Every evening I spend my time sitting on the porch with my family and friends creating new memories that we'll remember forever.

The people who I share my summers with come from all over the country. Some from California, North Carolina, Florida, and many from New York City. We all share the same love for this unforgettable and unique place. Only being able to see these amazing people for two months out of twelve is depressing, but when summertime comes around, happiness fills my heart. There is no place I’d rather be. This is the place where I learned to swim, surf, fish, drive a car and live life to its fullest. Montauk is special. Montauk is solitude. Montauk is pure.

The author's comments:

I spend every summer in a beach town called Montauk which is located on Long Island New York. This place is very special to me.

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