My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

November 1, 2016
By Anonymous

My best friend is exactly like me. We like the same things, partake in the same activities, and do almost everything together. Our friendship is unique because we are closer with each other than anyone else that we know. We can tell each other anything and everything at anytime. This friendship makes my life better because I always know that someone is there for me. It is hard to think of a time where my best friend and I were not together. Sometimes we fight, but our battles only bring us closer as friends. My best friend is not just anyone though… he is my twin brother.


When Jack and I fight, we go hard after each other. After the battle ends however, we always feel bad about the previous occurrences. Even when we were little, we always had a guilty conscience when one of us hurt the other. We were no more than seven years old when Jack and I had gotten into our first fight where one of us had to go to the hospital. Unfortunately, that lucky little kid who had to be taken care of was me.

We were fighting over who got the couch in the living room to ourself while the other had to sit on the hard wooden chair. Something this small caused my brother and I to break loose on each other. This ultimately resulted in him throwing me into the corner of a hard wooden coffee table, for at the time he was bigger and stronger than me. Many little kids would have ran away and left me crying on the floor by myself, but not Jack. He swiftly ran into my parents room and told them that I was hurt and needed help. Instead of saying, “It wasn’t me dad and mom. Alex just tripped… I promise!”, Jack took full responsibility for his actions. As I was rushed to the hospital, for my skull had been cracked open, all Jack could say to me through tears was, “I’m sorry”. This is what differentiates my brother and I from other best friends. We always forgive, forget, and move on, no matter how drastic one of our actions may be.

In addition, my brother and I are always there for each other. Whenever one of us has a big test, we always try help each other study. Actually, this is more of a one sided affair. Jack mostly assists me, for somehow he always seems to know all about the material of his classes before his teacher even introduces the topic. No matter how late it is or how tired my brother is, he will always help me until I am confident that I will get a good grade. One time he even helped me for five hours straight. He was so committed to helping me do well on a test, that he stayed up with me from ten o’clock to three o’clock. The quality of being supportive makes for an excellent best friend.

Jack and I are never alone. This is one of the best things about being twins. Many of our other friends text or snapchat us during the week saying, “I’m so bored. Do you want to hang out?”. What differentiates Jack and I from our other friends is that we always have someone to hang out with. We never become bored, because we always have each other. Someone who is the same age, likes the same things, and has the same sense of humor. On the Sundays where no one else is available to hang out, Jack and I can just relax and watch football together the whole day because we genuinely enjoy being in each other’s presence… at least most of the time. I cannot think of a time in the recent past, other than school, where Jack and I have been apart from each other. I also cannot think of the last time where Jack and I did not sleep under the same roof. Though we are able to separate from each other, we just never found the need to. We always entertain each other and keep the other one company throughout the day. This keeps us in good spirits and enhances our time that we have on this earth.

All in all, my best friend is someone who always forgives me, supports me no matter how ridiculous my actions are, and always keeps me company. We are different than most best friends, but this is a good thing. This only makes us so much closer as twins, and as best friends.

The author's comments:

This is a story about my best friend... who is also my twin brother, and the different situations that we have gone through together.

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