Everything Happens for a Reason | Teen Ink

Everything Happens for a Reason

October 24, 2016
By AubreyM BRONZE, Alvord , Texas
AubreyM BRONZE, Alvord , Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything happens for a reason, for a long time my knees would hurt after a basketball game or a goat tying run, so I wore braces that would support it. Every basketball game I wore them, but not every goat run. In January 2016 I was at a rodeo on a Sunday and it was time for me to make my goat run, and I didn't have my knee braces and when I got off my left knee collapsed. It hurt so bad I wanted to cry but I didn’t. Some people came out and helped me walk out of the arena. They got me sat down in the back wherever one warms their horses up, and the EMT got some ice for me.  My friend went up to get the truck, and by the time they got down there to me all of my adrenaline was gone. When I tried to get up to walk it collapsed again and I turned pale white and didn’t feel good. They finally got me to the trailer and laid down, and they put a movie in for me to watch. My friend’s dad stayed with me because my sister still had to finish the rodeo. 

The next day my mom made me an appointment with my knee doctor, and they did an MRI on my knee. A few days passed and they called saying that I had tore my ACL completely in half right along with my meniscus, PCL, and MCL. We scheduled my surgery for February 18th. It came fast, but I was ready as well as nervous.
According to my doctor my knee was in bad shape, and that it had been gradually tearing for a while that is why it hurt so bad after a basketball game and goat tying run. After surgery I was in so much pain it was unimaginable.

We finally got home and got me comfortable. I watched tv for so many days that there was nothing else for me to watch, so I started watch netflix and used all the data! I had to stop that pretty quick.

I had many monthly visits and check ups, and they were all good. Around the time I was suppose to be released they did another MRI to see if it was healed. It was! I got released right around my birthday. I was so excited, so I went home and rode. It felt so good to ride again, and play basketball. I got released on a Tuesday and I played a summer game on Thursday. My knee was weak but it felt good.

Through my whole process of my knee getting hurt and everything I had some doubts and depression, but my wonderful family and friends always brought my hope back up. My family and I are big believers in God and I just kept asking him why this happened and what did I do to deserve it. Then one day, church was about believing in God’s plan, and it hit me that everything happens for a reason. I just kept telling myself that, and it does trust me. It has been a long road of recovery, but it’s getting better everyday! My knee will one day be stronger than it was, so take the positives out of the negative and make it better than it sounds, like my friends did for me. Don’t do what I did and think of the negatives it doesn’t help.

Everything happens for a reason.

The author's comments:

My name is Aubrey Mitchell. It’s a small, wonderful town, and I live right on the edge of it: Alvord, Texas. My family of four (sometimes five because we foster kids) live on a thirty-three acre ranch. We are a rodeo family; that’s what my sister and I do almost every day, right along with basketball, volleyball, track, and softball. Oh and there is also therapy, because I tore my ACL not to long ago. In my spare time I am at school learning new things and writing for others.

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