First Glance | Teen Ink

First Glance

October 12, 2016
By Anonymous

My father is black and my mother is white. At first glance I look white. A closer inspection though reveals characteristics from my father including my hair. My features are not the only thing I have acquired from my parents. They have shared with me a unique blend of cultures. They are not so different in some ways but in others they are very different. 


Big gatherings are more common on my father's side. Candied yams, macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, greens and sweet tea are usually on the menu. Get-togethers can be around a church function or family reunion. On my mother's side the events are smaller and usually centered around a major holiday or birthday. The menu is usually a turkey or ham with mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, peas and rolls. I am happy to eat from either menu.


My father grew up in an urban community. Living in the city all of his life, he knows a lot of people. He is talkative and open to spur of the moment meetings. He loves music and celebration. The music is urban and bluesy. These traits he has passed along to me although I prefer rap and hip-hop. On the other hand, my mom grew up in a suburban environment. She is quiet and contemplative and prefers planned events with small familiar groups. My mom likes all different types of music. At times I can be like her too.


My father's ancestry includes sharecroppers who eventually were given land and a school bus when they were freed. We have spent time talking about the history of African Americans in this country. We enjoy films about black athletes like Jackie Robinson and Jesse Owens. He has taught me about Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela along with other great African American leaders. My mother is of Dutch and English descent. She has taught me about my immigrant ancestors coming to Chicago and starting a butcher shop. From both of them I have gained a deeper understanding of the history of our country and the world.


On the surface I may look white and some my take a double take when they see my hair and think maybe I am black. I have had to give many responses to many people inquiring about which color I am but I know that I am both. And what I am below the surface is even more important. Having two cultures in my household has given me a rich life of experiences, knowledge and understanding of both backgrounds. It has shaped me into the person I am today.

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