Do You Ever Just | Teen Ink

Do You Ever Just

October 10, 2016
By Churro BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Churro BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've learned all about life with a ball at my feet"

Do you ever just tell yourself you will wake up at 6 and then just snooze until 6:30? That is you not having the desire to fight and strive for greatness. You have to fight through this feeling no matter how warm, relaxed, and comfy you are. Don't get all hard on yourself just yet because yes, i'm also guilty of doing this. The comfiness demons are always holding me hostage. One way for me is to think about friends and family as motivation to push through everything. Use those people counting on you to become something in life instead of just wasting it on not getting up. That's how people become successful they have the will to fight and strive and want to prove to people what their made of. Honestly sometimes I don't feel like getting up and out of bed even when someone is asking me to do something but I do it since I know they're counting on me to do it. At times I tell myself oh 10 more minutes and then boom it's 30 minutes later and i'm still thinking about hitting snooze. Don't let those demons control you, you have the power to dictate your future and if you want to be rich and famous or just rich then you have to always strive for greatness and never let yourself down.

The author's comments:

Read it if your cool.

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