When I Leave This Room... | Teen Ink

When I Leave This Room...

October 10, 2016
By booksRlife BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
booksRlife BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I leave this room life catches up to me. When I step foot out the door my life unravels once more.Before I leave this room I glance back at my bed and long for my blankets to wrap me up and keep me warm as if getting blanket hugs.When I leave this room of solitude I have to face reality. When I leave this room I have to come out of my shell. When I leave my room I’m no longer as comfortable in my skin. I’m no longer in my private library, I’m no longer at ease in my comforter. I left the room my feet take me up the stair. I know what’s coming next. I don’t want to go!! My stepmom walks over to me and says “Are you ready for school?”

The author's comments:

I dont know if this is a poem or not. I just wrote it for fun.

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