Just My Luck | Teen Ink

Just My Luck

June 17, 2016
By M_Hart BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
M_Hart BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You're mad. Bonkers. Off your head... But I'll tell you a secret... All of the best people are."
-Alice in Wonderland

Luck, probability, numbers. What is luck? Is luck the ability to win a buck or two on a scratch off ticket? Or is it more? Does it define who you are or just reinforce it? Personally, I don’t think luck exists. I don’t think probability exists. In life, things are or aren’t. People are alive or dead. There is love or hate. Luck is a mere concept but it is more, it is an aspect of fate. People think fate defines who you are, but I disagree. I think fate is a coin, sharing two halves. You decide which you take, you decide if you want to be that stoner living on the street corner or if you want to have a family. You decide if your grades will be As or Cs. You decide if you want to do something with your life. Blaming it on someone? That’s completely and utterly stupid. This kind of behavior reminds me of my older brother today.

My family and I were sitting at a table at this nice italian restaurant the town over from ours. My mother noticed my brother squinting at the light pouring through the window. now you could say it was luck that my brother took this seat, or fate that the rest of us took the other seats. He honestly looked as if there were a billion suns outside of the window so my mother asked him what was wrong. He simply stated that the sun was shining in his hazel eyes so my mother offered to switch seats with him. He replied with a simple shake of the head and proceeded to talk about how the light was bothering him. In this case, he had two options. He could either switch seats with my mother or he could sit in his seat and suck it up, because nothing else would be tolerated. In this case, he referred to luck. He claimed it was just his luck to get this seat. Why’d he get the seat? His internal choice, fate. Why’d he stay there? His external choice. So everything came down to his choices and fate.

What about the statistics? There were four chairs at the table, so a 25% chance. But, when he got to the table my mother and I were already seated. That leaves two chairs. he chose which chair he would have, making it a 50% chance. But it was one chair or the other. So there was a 100% chance he was planning on picking one chair, and a 0% chance for the other. So how does probability help? Everyone is different so it’s pointless to compare them to others. I’m different from my sister, who’s different from my brother, who’s different from my neighbor. So, does it matter? Luck, probability, fate? Someone once told me, someone who was very inspirational to me, “The funny thing about life, no one ever makes it out alive.” And it’s true. So why bother thinking you’re some percentile and actually do something with your life, because no matter what you do, you need to know and learn about yourself , before you can assume you’re in some percentile with others.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by just everyday thoughts and actions. (And a really good Italian restaurant) 

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