My Zoo Adventure | Teen Ink

My Zoo Adventure

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

My experience in 7th grade was the best that you could of had. One reason is because the school has the best teachers ever.  One of my favorite memories with my friends and my teachers was our trip to Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.  My three favorite memories from our zoo trip was the bus ride there and back. Next, all of the fun and enjoyable rides at the zoo. Finally, hanging out with my friends that made me laugh a lot.

One of my memories that I will never forget is the bus ride there and the bus ride back.  On the bus ride there it felt like forever, but I was sitting by one of my friends Jonathan.  Jonathan was wearing a dark blue shirt and a pair of shorts.  I was wearing a black jacket with a black shirt and a pair of shorts.  Jonathan and I were sitting next to each other listening to music and looking at awesome trucks mostly Chevy trucks.  We talked and talked.   We checked where we were and we were still in Michigan but it felt like we had been on the bus for four hours but we were only on the bus for one hour and still had one hour left.  I gave Jonathan that I’m-gonna-freak look!   After that one hour we finally got to the zoo.  On the way back from the zoo all the kids were filled up on sugar and yelling crazily especially us in the back of the bus.  The whole bus was raging with excitement!  I didn't have as much sugar as other kids they all had pixy sticks and stuff and all I had was a coffee.  The bus ride back felt like it was only one hour, but it was again two hours.  On the way back was the most fun.  This time I sat by Josh.  Josh was wearing a jacket and a pair of black sweat pants.  It was really fun on the way back from the zoo.

Next, my favorite memory at the zoo was the rides they had.  The first ride we went on was the Sky Safari.  We first had to walk all the way back to the front to get some money so we could by the tokens to ride the Sky Safari.  We finally got on the Sky Safari.  Josh and I rode up on the Sky Safari, but Noah, Jonathan, and Jevin all rode up together.  Josh and I got on second then we took off.  We saw all the different colored green grass and all the different colored animals up there.  Feet dangling, arms flaring, kids screaming we were up very high.  Then Josh started yelling out “This is so scary!”, but he was just kidding around.  On the way back down Josh was still yelling and then this guy came up over the speaker and I thought “This was going to be bad!”  All the guy had to say is “Please do not scream on the Sky Safari, thankyou.”  Finally we got off the Sky Safari and went on with the rest of the day.  After we ate lunch we went out of the cafe and saw the Crocodile Creek Adventure Ride.  We all got on that ride thinking “We might get wet. Yeah!”  We went on to the ride but we didn't get wet.  We started to rock it back and forth and that was really fun.  It was about a seven to ten minute ride but it was really fun.  Those were just a couple rides that were at the zoo but that's all the rides we went on.

Finally, my last memory was hanging out with my friends that made me laugh.  My friends and I were having a blast at the zoo and I would like to share some of the most enjoyable moments.  First of all one of my favorite memories was when we were at the stingrays.  We all tried to touch a stingray and then when Noah accidentally touched one he pulled his hand out of there like a lion was trying to bite it.  Yanking fast, breathing hard, and dripping water from his arm.  Noah got his whole arm wet and he got my shoes wet.  Noah did that over and over again and on the last time I was laughing so hard.  Another enjoyable moment was when we took pictures of statues or monuments with all of us on them.  We would usually climb on them and have Josh's mom take a picture of us.  Next, a bird sitting on a overhang staring deeply at Jevin.  A bird, a cold hearted creature, stared blankly at Jevin.  The bird gave Jevin that, make-me-mad-again look.  When we were coming back we looked up to find another one sitting there staring at Jevin.  They were staring at him with those black beady eyes, staring at him with all their focus, and staring at him in anger.  Finally, the last memory was at the petting farm.  While we were there petting the goats one of the goats started to eat Jevins pant leg.  The goat confused, skinny, and silent thought something didn’t taste right about the pant leg.  Those were some of are memories that we had at the zoo together as friends.

If you can't tell, I had a blast at the zoo.  My friends were amazing and all very funny.  My favorite memories about the Fort Wayne Zoo with my friends was the bus ride there and back.  All of the fun and enjoyable rides, also laughing and having fun with my friends.  That is one of the reasons my experience in 7th grade was the best that you could of had.

The author's comments:

This piece was really a thrill to write because I got to look back on all the memories at the zoo that I had with my friends.

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