May 10, 2016 | Teen Ink

May 10, 2016

May 24, 2016
By bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness captivates the space around you, but you are not alone. Although you can not see their faces, you can sense the anticipation radiating from their souls. The noise of slight breathing fills your eardrums and suddenly you catch a single beat of a drum.

Suddenly, a flash of light captures your eye. Silhouettes of the band quickly rush to their places. With a single strum of the guitar, the crowd ignites with excitement. The screaming pierces through your brain, but decide to join the cheers. The singer starts the song, although you are unable to hear his voice over your own. You are able to feel the music run through your body, intoxicating you. The band’s energy transfers through the crowd with each song.

The darkness joins you again along with the silence. The band is nowhere to be seen. The audience begins chanting in unison. The band doesn’t answer as soon as you hoped, for you are sitting with no patience.

Just as before, lights begin to flash. The drummer walks to his place and takes a seat. With his contact on the face of the drum, the crowd is in an uproar. He plays a consistent beat for a minute or so until he is finally joined by his band members.

Of course, they’re playing your favorite song. The song you imagined hearing live, but now you are. The emotions are overwhelming. The last note is played and the members leave their place. They walk to the front of the stage, hand in hand, and bow. The flood of people scream at the top of their lungs.

The experience is over, but it hasn’t hit you yet. A foolish smile covers your face as you take in all of the commotion. People around you scramble to beat the traffic, but you just stand there, mesmerized.

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