The Suicide Friendship | Teen Ink

The Suicide Friendship

May 27, 2016
By E_BEGS BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
E_BEGS BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t you ever wish you could turn back the clock to a time when everything was perfect.  Well I sure do!, Especially to 4th Grade.  That’s when I thought I met my best friend in the whole world, and would stay friends forever.   Let’s start all the way at the beginning.  It was fourth grade, the first day of school. 


Kids screaming to their parents “I DON’T WANT TO GO!”  The blank halls with no art or crafts, the cold stone floor looks like it will swallow you alive, and the classrooms, oh! The classrooms, looked like a jail cell waiting for their next victim.  I scurried down the dreadful hall to find my new locker.  Locker number C97, right next to my new classroom door.  I unpacked and decorated my locker quick to get to class on time.

As I slowly walked into the new classroom I was as nervous as a little girl at her first dance recital.  Would I make any new friends, or will I be the one girl in the class that’s so lonely she starts to talk to herself.  The first few weeks flew by and I had talked to some new people, but still no luck.  The school bell rang it was the end of the day so I went and packed up.  As I put my backpack on “CLUNK”, I ran into a girl from my class.

“Sorry,” I said softly.
“That’s fine, it happens all the time.”
“Hi, my names Alison Barnes,” she said nervously. 
“Hi my names Amanda Brown,”  I said again softly.
“See you tomorrow!” she said in the sweetest voice ever.

The next day came, and I did the usual.  Unpack my bag, and make my way to my assigned seat, which was surprisingly next to Alison.  Alison was already there so I decided to start a conversation.  “What should I say?” I thought in my mind.  The next thing you know a week later we are the best friends ever.

Going over to each other houses, going to youth group together every wednesday, trying all of the makeup samples with glitter flying everywhere, and going to the mall and getting friendship bracelets.  3 years went by and it was almost the end of the year of 7th Grade.  Everything was perfect until an old friend of Alison’s came along named Avery.  Avery Watson, the snarkiest girl in the whole school, had to come and ruin everything.  When she found out me and Allie were like the best friends ever, she thought it was a competition to see who Allie likes better. 

Hissing and whining, You could tell she was soooo jealous of us, it was so obvious.  Especially with that I-HATE-YOU look on her face.  Then one day I was told Allie didn’t want to be friends anymore.  With so many gears turning in my brain, that had to be the most stressful month in my life, and it’s still going on.  It’s like Avery brainwashed Allie’s mind, and like she doesn't even remember my name.

I kept trying to talk to her and hang with her but it kept going on and on.  After school I didn't even go home, I just walked and walked and walked.  I walked through fields and crossed streams.  Finally I came across a train track.  My hazel eyes, scared and depressed,  made me stop for a moment and think of everything that ever happened to me and everything me and Allie.

Silently crying I took a deep breath, and walked slowly onto the train tracks.  As I heard the sound of the train's wheels chugging along the track a single tear streamed down my face as I said farewell to the world, and my whole life. 

Alison-  I never thought in my whole life that a friendship could kill someone.  I never thought that I could do something like that.  When I found out she was gone my heart was as cold as ice.  If you ever go through anything with a friendship, think befor you do anything, Please.  Me and Amanda were best friend in 4th through 7th grade, but look at us now.

The author's comments:

This piece was about a personal experience, and what I felt like doing.  I hope you all enjoy.

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