Horses | Teen Ink


May 12, 2016
By Anonymous

When I was 11 years old  I moved out of the city and got horses. Little did I know back then it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have horses and they are like my whole world. At first I didn’t really care about hoses, but my sister did. Later i started getting very interested in horses so we started looking for a horse. My first horse’s name was Starz. She is so cute she is bay or brown horse with black legs. She was the best horse to learn everything off of. When i first got her she was four years old and had to learn to grow with me. When we started we got into rodeo. So we both had to learn how to do barrels and poles. Barrels you have to run around three barrels set up in a clover leaf pattern. Poles is where you run down 6 poles then weave in and out. When we first went to a rodeo we got a 20 second pattern in barrels and a 75 second pattern in poles. Over the past couple years i worked with that horse trying to make her good. Over that time she learned how to run the patterns and I learned how to ride. I used her for about 5 years in barrels and poles. She was now getting 17 second barrel runs and 24 second pole runs. We as a team improved a lot over the years, but we got to a point where that was her fastest. I needed a faster horse for barrels and poles because those events are all about speed. I didn’t want to sell her or stop using her. So I started training her on goat tying and breakaway. Goat tying is where you run down on a horse jump off and tie a goat’s legs together. Breakaway is where you rope a calf and let the rope break off your saddle. While I was teaching her I was looking for a faster horse for barrels and poles. I found one his name is Viper. The first time I rode him I fell in love with him. He was well trained he knew what he was doing and he was very beautiful. He is a palomino so he is extra cute. He has ground manner and would do what you asked him to do. So we bought him. I am extremely happy with him. He gets low 17 second barrel runs and his poles are not the best but i am  teaching him how to do that. He is very smooth and nice to ride. I run him like every weekend and try to ride him everyday. We have improved so much from when I first got him. Everyone says it takes a year to really get with a horse and really ride a horse good. It has only been a half a year so i can not wait to see what happens when we are on the same page and are running good. With my other horse Starz are goat tying is really good. She listens really well when we are running down to tie the goat. In breakaway we are a little bad at that. She is not good at chasing the cows and I am not the best roper yet but we are learning and will get there eventually. I have no idea what I would do without my horses. I would never have plans on the weekend. I would not have things to do during the week. I would be totally lost without my horses. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love running my horses. I love the rush you get. If i never got horses I would have never met my rodeo friends. I love my rodeo friends they are like my family. I have gotten so close with them over the past couple years. I love everything about the horse world. I have no idea what would happen if we still lived in the city. I have no clue where i would be. That is why i am beyond thankful for my horses, and i cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I love my horses and want to know how awesome horses are. 

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