Self Harm | Teen Ink

Self Harm

May 12, 2016
By Anonymous

For around three years now, I've suffered from severe depression, which led to self harm. I remember the first time I cut myself. It was in the 7th grade. And I told everyone I was gardening and scratched it. I never really told myself I had a problem. I just told myself I was having a bad day. I started cutting more and more "it's just a bad day." I would tell myself. Then I entered 8th grade. I lost all my friends. I started to wear lots of bracelets and I would cut constantly. "It's just a bad day." I told myself. And then the thoughts of suicide started to enter my mind. I pushed them aside and told myself the same thing over and over again. One night, there was so much in my mind, and I couldn't handle it. This led to a suicide attempt. "It was just a bad day." I told myself. These attempts started happening more and more often. I needed help, but I didn't know how bad it was. My mom started to find my blades. She would find blades wrapped in cloth covered in blood. She knew I needed help. Now, I'm in the 9th grade, and I've started getting help. Even though every now and then, I hurt and suffer, I'm getting the help I've needed since the 7th grade, and I'm much happier. Now, I rarely have to tell myself "it's just a bad day."

The author's comments:

I decided to write this because I know a lot of people suffer from depression and self harm. And it's really hard. But I want people to know that if you don't look for help, and you continue to tell yourself "It's just a bad day," it won't help you. And you'll continue to have those bad days, and not do anything about them. Recieve help the minute you tell yourself that it's just a bad day. 

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