Time bomb//fear | Teen Ink

Time bomb//fear

May 11, 2016
By sockmonkey02 BRONZE, Sooke, Other
sockmonkey02 BRONZE, Sooke, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As humans, our first reaction to danger is to 'run and hide', it's something we all do when we are scared. Everyone does it... Not everyone wants to admit it but it's true. We don't really realize this while it's happeneing, maybe not even after.

We lock it all up inside and try to forget, our mind may forget but inside it's slowly eating away at you... As a teenage girl I've experienced it and will time and time again fear never goes and for some reason as a humain we think that it'll help make everything go away by just keeping to ourselves and pretending. But we need to wake up, open our eyes a bit and just see for oursleves; it's never helped anyone before for very long, so why will it go away for you?! Stop holding everything in, stop locking your feelings away. We just can't handle it! At some point we're going to blow up!

Just think do you really want FEAR to make you a constant tickig time bomb waiting to blow?!

The author's comments:

First submitted article... Deep??

Please feel free to give your opinions on my topic, and suggestions for other short stories please!!!

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