Blurred Buildings | Teen Ink

Blurred Buildings

March 29, 2016
By E_C_C_E_N_TRIC SILVER, Woods Cross, Utah
E_C_C_E_N_TRIC SILVER, Woods Cross, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring. So I go back to being me."

Like the buildings passing by as we drive down the street, friends come and go as we travel down the highway of life. We may slow down to appreciate one house more than another, gawking at its beauty and soaking in the wonders it presents. We could even go as far as to hop out of the car and stroll around the exterior of the structure, leisurely taking in each blade of grass and fraction of a stone. Yet, eventually, we’d move on.
We would part from the greenery, walk away from the bricks and leave the smoke from the fireplace to linger in the air alone. We would recall memories from time to time, remembering the sweet smell of the kitchen after baking cookies. A recollection of the many times you slipped on the tiles in the bathroom and laughed for hours on end. Calling to mind all the late nights you stayed up, sitting in front of the TV, munching on popcorn and smiling. Even those times when you couldn’t stop crying, and you felt completely alone, they were always there to wipe away your tears and give you a shoulder to lean on.

Friends are supportive and sturdy, like the settlement of a building. Unbreakable walls hold your friendship together, and a warm hearth keeps you comfy in the winter. A fridge provides food, and entertainment offers giggles and laughs. You feel right at home.


You think your house is indestructible. That nothing could take you away from it.

That’s when you get hit. Whether it’s a natural disaster-like a tornado, hurricane, tsunami, and earthquake-or if it’s money you can’t afford, a job you have to take, and you’re forced to leave the area.

So you do just that. You pack your things, or flee from what you though was your shelter – your safety, and you drive away. Leave the premises and wander from the yard you grew to love.

Eventually, you may return, but the house will never be the same as when you left it.

Like buildings, blurring past our windshield as we zoom down the streets, friends come and go as we drive through our journey in life.

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