Heartache | Teen Ink


March 2, 2016
By morgan002 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
morgan002 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 2006 a research study showed that 62% of women had a non-obstructive coronary
artery disease, which means half of the artery is blocked causing minimum blood flow to the
heart. They also found that 1/3 of the women in their study had no blockages at all, but yet they
had minimum blood flow to their heart, this is caused by a small blood vessel that tightens or
restricts. The study showed that 10% of people with this defect end up dying. This was the cause
of my mom’s heart attack. Although many things have happened to me in my life, my moms
heart attack was the most significant. Since this happened I have learned a lot of life long
lessons. My biggest lesson was responsibility.  I also learned that you should never take life for
granted and you should always watch your health.

Since this happened in April, 2011 I have learned a lot of responsibility. At the time of
her heart attack I was eleven. Being that young I never knew anything tragic could happen or
would even happen to me for that matter.  It was a huge eye opener for me. I rode the bus to my
Mom’s pet shop as I did everyday unless she told me different the night before. I got off the bus
and walked the normal block and a half to the pet shop. As soon as it came into sight, I didn’t see
her truck sitting where it always was I thought to myself, “Maybe she just forgot to tell me she
didn’t have to work.” When she didn’t answer her phone I started to get a little nervous. Luckily
my dad answered his phone and told me, “Calm down, grandma is on her way to get you.”. So, I
sat all alone on the porch of the pet shop not knowing where my mom was or what happened.
Being very scared and alone and behaving the way I did was a lot of responsibility for an eleven
year old.  Not only did this teach me responsibility it also taught me not to take life for granted. 
My mom is my best friend without her I would not be here today, literally, but also in
many other ways. She has taught me so many lessons. I don’t know what I would do without her.
I never understood something as scary or life threatening as a heart attack could happen at any
moment. Not knowing that before I have learned to not take life for granted. When I got to the
hospital and saw my mom laying there, I knew I would always try to make the best choices to
keep my body healthy. I would to never do anything that could jeopardise my life.

Her heart attack could have been prevented in many ways if she would have made
healthier choices. A big cause of her heart attack was her smoking. She was considered a “social
smoker” which means she would only smoke when she drank, that was not good because she use
to drink a lot. She usually smoked when other people were smoking.  Other times she would
smoke to help cope with stress and things going on in our family; but most times that would only
make things worse. Since her heart attack she has stopped smoking and drinking as much.  She is
more focused on spending more time with our family and spending less time with her friends.
Although I am very grateful my mom didn’t add to those 10% of people who die, ouuur
took a lot away from her heart attack. Learning responsibility, learning not to take any life for
granted and learning to watch your health. Always make the right choices for your body.
Hopefully this essay informed you a little bit about heart attacks and what I took away from my
personal experience.

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