First Time at a Cabin | Teen Ink

First Time at a Cabin

February 18, 2016
By Anonymous

In my memory of the first time I went to the cabin. It was for a week but the drive was long, almost five hours. The cabin was up north by Grand Rapids. The cabin is in the woods by a greenish lake call Eagle Lake. I went with my cousins and grandparents, and Later after we got there we went for a hike. It was a long hike so we took a rest and while we were resting my cousin Cuyler and I decided to climb a tree. I got in the tree after him and after we got up the tree we hung upside down, but Cuyler fell off and caught him self. After the hike was over we went swimming in the lake. I didn't want to because I had never been swimming before, even with a life jacket on I was scared. Once I had my life jacket on I just sat on the edge of the dock, and then my papa came and picked me up and threw me in. At first I screamed then I realized that I was fine just wet and cold. Then Cuyler and I went fishing with my uncle Troy, but Cuyler and I didn't catch anything big but Troy caught a rock bass. Cuyler and I went back to the cabin for dinner, which was the fish we caught. Later we watched "Mars Attacks" which is a movie about aliens that come to earth to make peace when the aliens notice there are things the don't like so the try to destroy earth. The next day I went down to the dock to go fish by myself. Once everyone was up we ate breakfast and then help paint the cabin with our grandma. Later we ate lunch then rode the four wheeler with Troy and we got to drive as long as Troy was on with us. That night we had a fire and roasted s'mores for the first time.

After s'mores we went out to watch the fireworks from the lake so we took out the boat.

The author's comments:

This was about the first time I went to the cabin

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