Unlucky Fate | Teen Ink

Unlucky Fate

February 10, 2016
By BossKingX BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
BossKingX BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say that there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but what they don't tell you is that once you find that fish you’ll never want to look again. I met her in 6th grade, I was playing some soccer and decided to take a break. As I walked around the playground I saw her sitting at a table eating her lunch. Me being my usual self I decided to go see if she would give me some. I came up to her and cracked some joke that was so corny that I guess she thought it was funny and she gave me some of her lunch.

From there our relationship flourished. It started to become my regular routine, go to her, crack a joke, get some food, and leave. But as the days went on I realized that I was playing less and less soccer and spending more and more time with her. Eventually I stopped playing soccer all together and spent my recesses with her. We would talk about all sorts of things, hobbies, dreams, and just random things that came to mind and before I knew it we were best friends.

7th grade came around and I was happy to see that she was still going to my school. When I was with her I felt like I could really be myself, I could say whatever was on my mind and she would always listen and give her honest opinion. After school on Fridays I would go over to her house and go out and play in her backyard or watch a funny movie. Her parents were real nice to and always had a snack or what not ready when we came back in. As far as I was concerned, we would be best friends forever. 8th grade however things changed.

It was our last year together at our school before we would part our ways. We both knew that we would be going to different high schools for a long time, we just didn't expect it to come so soon. I had always saw her as a friend and nothing more, I never really got that boyfriend girlfriend stuff but out of nowhere I started to have strange feelings. When we would say hello to each other in the morning and hug each other goodbye my heart would race. “Did I like her?” I would ask myself and I would always reply with the same response, “Of course I don’t we’ve been friends for like, ever!”. But then as the year went on she would start to hold my hand as we went to class and just be more playful than normal. I started thinking, “Could she like me?” but deep down I had a cloud of uncertainty forming.

I decided that a month before school got out I would ask. I would finally ask her and see if she had any feelings for me. Well that day finally came two months later and after our last class as we were walking home I asked her. Her response however caught me so off guard, so unexpectedly that I was silent. She liked me, as a friend, as best friend but there was one thing...she was a lesbian.

How I wasn’t able to figure that out I have no clue, she even had a girlfriend that I didn’t know about. Was I upset? Yes of course I was but deep down I had already knew that our relationship would never prosper past being friends. It just wasn’t the same afterwards, and our playfulness with each other was reduced to a casual hello here and there. When middle school ended and we parted our ways I couldn’t help but feel, empty. Like something was missing in my life. Over the next couple of months however I got over it. Of course I still liked her and I always will but I respected her decision and I was happy for her. She was the first girl that I really had feelings for and she most likely was my last.

The author's comments:

This was a interesting story that happened to me when I was younger and it really impacted me and my life. So I thought I would share it with the world and let them enjoy it.

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