What Is Your Sentence? | Teen Ink

What Is Your Sentence?

January 25, 2016
By Yazid BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Yazid BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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There are 2 important questions you have to ask yourself everyday in order to achieve what you want to achieve in life. The first one happens to be, "What is your sentence?",  when I first heard those words i thought right away that it was going to be some sort of a writing sentence but its not, it’s much much more than that. In this case, "What Is Your Sentence?" refers to your Life Story in a simple sentence, or in other words, what you're remembered by in life or  how can you summarize what you did with your life with a single sentence? what sentence can people use to remember who you were and what you did with your life?

In order to complete your sentence and make it the best it can be, you have to work, work hard. Nothing in life is going to be handed to you, whether it was from your parents or a complete stranger, its your life and you decide how its going to be, you decide whether or not you're going to do great things in life and you sure as hell decide who you're going to be.

The 2nd question you need to ask yourself is : Was I better today than i was yesterday?. Now this seems pretty much self explanatory but its a lot more complicated than it seems. Every single day you have to wake up with the plan to better yourself and try to accomplish more than what you had accomplished the day before, whether it was your education or a simple goal that you set for yourself. How exactly do you do this you ask? there are a number of things you can do to better yourself and one of the most important ways is a motivator.

You need Motivation. The act of being motivated comes when someone or something gives you a reason to accomplish your goal. A motivator can be either Positive or Negative, an example of a positive motivator in my case would be my mother and how i want her to be proud of me, An example of a negative motivator would be my mother and how i want her to continue fighting knowing that she could always think of me and visualize a successful human being that she raised to accomplish great things.

Willpower will get you anywhere in this world, if you set your mind to it then you can achieve anything you want. Make your sentence the best it can be.

A sentence i would like to be remembered with would be " The person who never gave up on accomplishing what he set out to accomplish " because i honestly don't know if i've done anything worthy of remembering.

The author's comments:

I was told to write this article for school but i honestly fell in love with the topic and wrote about with passion.

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swburaik said...
on Jan. 30 2016 at 12:03 am
Made me think of my sentence.
"I raised this young man and his brother and sisters, who will be an asset and contributers to their society"