My Life Experience | Teen Ink

My Life Experience

January 6, 2016
By joseFg BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
joseFg BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has been through  a crazy type of event through their life, something that’s scared them throughout some time in their life, maybe they got chased by a random person or got lost, or maybe it didn’t have to be scary maybe it was just unexpected but my point is that everyone has at least been through something they didn’t expect to happen.

I’ve been through so many fast heart beating moments throughout my 17 years of life even though there’s more years to come these 17 years I’ve seen crazy stuff, I’ve realized that there’s so many people that you think you know and then out of nowhere they’ve committed a crime which leaves you in shock.

I’ve been jumped in downtown Portland, Oregon by people that I didn’t even know, I’ve been called names at my job by customers because the color of my skin, I’ve gotten called the cops called on me for fighting even though I was pretty much the victim but I still got blamed for something I didn’t do, there’s many things that I’ve seen/heard that not many people my age should see or hear.

Many of these things that have happened to me are because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time or just because people decide to pick on me because of my size, like the fight that I got in that I did not cause, I was being bullied but I ignored it until the guy hit me I ended up hitting back and I had the kid on the ground and because of that I was the one who got blamed for starting the fight, this happened in 6th grade which was six years ago at the time I was very small so I was an easy target for people to bully me even though not many people did because I had a lot of friends who had my back.

One of the least crazy stories in my life happened on 170th where I used to live, I used to live in some apartments called arbor creek I was raised there I attended elementary school there from kinder to second grade, I met many people that lived in the same apartments as me so many of my friends lived in my apartments a few of my closest friends were agustin and eder we would always hang out after school since we lived really close, we were kids and everyone knows that kids do stuff that they aren’t suppose to.

I remember I was once in a table with both of them in a table in the middle of our apartments where we would hang out, a bee had landed on the table and my friend decided to squash it with his hand, he killed the bee and i was kind of shocked, In my head i was like how did he do that but too look cool i did the same thing which was a very dumb idea because the bee was facing upward and it’s stinger was facing up as well, as i smacked the bee it’s stinger had stung me I remember running home crying.

As a kid I would always hang out with agustin, One of the dumbest things that I remember doing with his is that we were both neighbors so he was like “let’s” walk home” I remember telling him “no” I don’t know how to get home walking at the time we were both in first grade, he told me he knew how to get home so he ended up convincing me and i said “ok let’s go”.

We got out of school at 2:30  the bus would drop us off home at exactly 3:00, we started walking home, we started walking toward nike but from there I remember going in circles be cause he didn’t know where we were I remember that I started to freak out, but we kept walking until we reached kmart, I don’t know how we made it there but we both knew where we were we just still didn’t know how to get home, but right when we reached kmart one of our friends mom saw us and asked us who are you here with? And we responded with “we came walking from school but we don’t know how to get home from here”.

She told us that she would give us a ride home so we got in her car, since she also lived in the same apartments we did and she knew my mom we trusted her.

Right when we got to the apartments the bus was leaving I remember seeing my mother and my friends mother worried because they didn’t see us get off the bus so they were talking to the bus driver & once we got to the apartments my friends mom honked and that’s when my mom saw me and wasn’t worried  anymore. I didn’t get in trouble she just asked why we walked and we said because we thought we knew how to get home walking.
Those are just a few things that have happened throughout my life there’s still more to come. This world is filled with crazy things just remember to be careful and stay out of trouble.

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