Candle Light | Teen Ink

Candle Light

December 18, 2015
By 11906 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
11906 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were walking back to the dorms after one of our stunting corners and Private Coaching or PC. It was our second time being at the three day champion cheer camp. I was really excited and happy about it.  The air was sticky and hot. We were all hot and sweaty after being on a football field all day: it felt like 100 degrees on it.  It stayed that way...until later that evening.  I felt like I was going to die out there.

When we got to the dorm we opened the door, and cool air hit us as we went in.  Then we walked 2 flights of stairs up to our small team room,  in the corner of our hall. Coach told us to sit on the cold hard marble floor.

“We are going to be going to Candlelight tonight.” She said

“For those who are first timers here at camp with us , what Candlelight is  when you go and listen to the camp staff talk then you come back to the dorms and tell promises to your team.” She said. I remember this from last year but we did not go to the dorms we went to a small hallway where not very many people could see us.  After the meeting we went back to our rooms to relax and get ready for tonight. The dorms were small, but large enough to fit two people. My roommate and I  bed’s  were high above the ground, and I was afraid I would fall off during the night.  

We were walking back from the candle light serves to our dorms.  We were going back to the dorms for more privacy. The air was finally cool after being hot all day. It was dark and we could see the full moon. We finally reach the dorm after it felt like we've been walking forever.

After walking into the dorm Coach told us to sit in a circle in the lobby, where we had taken our pictures hours before.  We sat in a circle on the floor. I took my shoes of: because, my feet hurt from being on my feet for two whole days and doing activities like gymnastics and stunting.  Then you would have never thought they wouldn't hurt after relaxing for about an hour, but they still did. Can anyone else smell my feet, they smell so bad.

We started out saying promises Kaylee went first.

“ I promise to do my best and help other who need it.  I was trying to think of my promise I thought of one - but I decided to go with this.

“My promises was that I would be there for the team if they need anything and would help them when they needed help,” I was the last one to go besides the coaches. Coach started to stay her promise but then other teams started coming back and were interrupting us so we decided to go upstairs into the team room.

We walk up tons of stair before we reached our hall. We walked into the little room, that was white, with one bed, and dresser.  We sat in a circle on the floor.  Our coach said her promise to the team.

“I promise to make sure that you guys can be the best that you can this year.” After everyone went we still had an hour before we had to be finish with the promises. So we started to tell stories about our lives.

The girls started sharing how they were being bullied and how they had to travel to new school and make new friends. Other girls talked about the holidays and what they did over the 4th of July. Some of these things that have happen to theses girls have happen to me. I thought.  We ended up talking more than we were supposed to it was around 11 when we were done and you had to be in bed by 12. We still had to shower and have our team meeting to talk about the next day. So coach told us to go get cleaned up and be back in the team room in a half an hour.

What changed me that night is that some people in the world know what you are going through and can help you through it. Also I started to helps others that would come to me that would ask for help. I became more open and even a little more outgoing than I was before. I have been there for my team throughout the season also. Also after our talks the team became more comfortable around each other.

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