The One Direction Concert | Teen Ink

The One Direction Concert

December 17, 2015
By chloeemery BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
chloeemery BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have learned to be thankful for how fortunate my family is to have been to able to go to not one--but two One Direction concerts. Not everyone is capable of being able to say that they’ve gone to two of the same bands concerts and I am very thankful that I am. 
There is 40,000 people row after row screaming, ready for them to come out on stage. Finally it's here... the One Direction concert. The day was August 29, 2015 and it had been the day I had been waiting for months. After two and a half hours of driving to Detroit in anticipation we had arrived to Ford Field where One Direction would be having a concert in just a couple of hours.
“Are you guys ready to rock out with 1D?” my dad questioned while being all pumped up.
“Yes!” my three sisters, Macy, Brooke, and Natalie and I responded happily.
When we first got let into the stadium I immediately went and took a picture of the stadium before the concert. The first thing we did was go to our seats to put down our posters and got all settled in.
“Here is some money to get some of those necklace passes and t-shirts you guys wanted to get,” spoke my dad.
“Awesome. Thanks,” I told him as we all climbed the stairs up towards the souvenir stand.
We went to our seats and the opening act came out. They were a band called Augustana. Finally, after Augustana was on stage for about an hour they finished up and One Direction was about to come out on stage. I am so so so nervous for this right now, I thought.
All of a sudden, the lights in the stadium went down and the stadium erupted into loud screams. The introduction video came on which meant the boys would be coming out on stage any time now. Once the introduction video came on the boys finally walked out and that moment was one of the best moments of my life. I was finally seeing my favorite band for the second time and I could not have been happier and more excited. The boys opened up with the tour opening song “Clouds” and carried on with their setlist. It was the perfect start to a perfect night.
About halfway throughout the show I turned to my left to look at my three sisters and my dad who had taken the four of us to the concert. It made me happy because when I looked at my dad I saw that he was having a good time watching the boys and I was glad that he liked them because of the fact that they are my favorite band, and favorite music artists. Knowing my dad was enjoying the show was a great thing to know and gave me a good feeling. Exuberant, carefree, and content is how I felt throughout the concert. Another special thing about the concert was that it was bandmate Liam Payne’s twenty-second birthday and I felt very honored that I got to celebrate his birthday with him and the rest of the fans there, and the other band members, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, and Louis Tomlinson. Some time during the show the boys stopped to talk to us and told us that we were going to sing happy birthday to Liam. One Direction’s band started playing the tune to happy birthday so that we could sing to Liam and he looked so happy and it overall made my night knowing that I got to be there with him to celebrate his birthday.
Sadly, all good things eventually have to come to an end and they were doing their encore and were just starting the final song of the night: “Best Song Ever.” There is a certain part in that song where fireworks go off and all throughout the stadium you can see the bright orange, yellow, and red fireworks and the smoke that slowly goes away. It was one of my favorite parts of the night because it was a really pretty sight and I knew from watching past concert videos that fireworks went off and I was really looking forward to it. I happened to be lucky enough to get a picture of the fireworks and it's one of my favorite pictures in my camera roll. After they performed “Best Song Ever” unfortunately they had to leave and end the concert and I just remember the stadium was all smoky from the fireworks and I took a picture of it and it just reminds me of what a good night that night was. After the guys got off stage people started filing out and all the people I would see were either crying or laughing and talking about the boys; the boys that everyone in that stadium bonded over that night.
I am extremely thankful and happy for being able to go to the concert even though I was sad afterwards when it ended. It hits hard when the concert ends because it's only one day of getting ready for it and only around a two hour concert and then the guys have to leave and continue on their worldwide tour called “On The Road Again” (OTRA) and the fact that they’re my favorite people. I just want my dad to know that I am eternally thankful that he took my sisters and I to the concert that night this past summer.

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