Big Break UP | Teen Ink

Big Break UP

December 17, 2015
By MrCarter BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
MrCarter BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My friend was yelling at me, “You need to become a better friend!”
Right after he spoke his words ran through my mind like a cheetah darting at it’s prey.   I knew from his anger I had lost a good friend.  There would be no way I could change his mind after what he just said.
It all began that Sunday when I was just thinking that it would be a nice and peaceful day. Until I got a interesting message from my friend that said
“I want to have a serious talk with you. So in my mind i'm thinking that something is about to go down seriously. He said to be there at 12:00 pm. But no one would be at home besides us two. So now it’s 11:50 I'm just getting ready to leave the house. As I'm walking to his house I'm talking to myself saying that
“I need to be cautions and watch out for anything that's about happen and etc.When I got to his house he was standing outside with a mad look on his face. His face was red as a apple. So when we went inside before I could say anything he started to yell at me saying “
that lately you have been acting like we're not friends,you have been ignoring me”. As he threw a tantrum.
Moments later we got into a fight.All because he thought I was betraying him as a friend. So I told him that
“How could you think that if we are best friends I think you made that up”. I knew it started to get physical when he pushed me into the wall. So I said to myself
“since he pushed I'm gonna decided to punch him in his face. Boom you could hear that punch from a mile away. After I punched him in the face I pushed him to the ground and said
“and by the way we are not friends anymore so do not talk to me or try to come over to my house ever again do you understand.When I got home I waited to my mom got home to tell her everything that just happen. So the whole time I was waiting for her I was in the worst mood ever I did not want to go to school the very next day just because of what just happen between me and my old friend I should say. My mom finally got home and she asked me
“whats wrong with why do you look so mad today. I had kind of a angry face and replied by saying
“The reason I looked so mad is because I went to my friends house and he started making up stuff saying “ I was betraying him, and was ignoring him. So he pushed me then we got into a big fight then I ran home”. So my mom said
“You didn't even need that friend in the first place.
But in the end I guess it was time to make new friends anyway. Or I can be independent and be by myself for a while. I told myself
“I don't really need to focus on friends right now,instead  I just need to focus on school at this point in my life. So the very next day I decided to go to school and just deal with being in a bad mood. Before I left the house I told my mom
“ you will never catch me in a bad mood like that ever again.The thing is I think I could of handled  that situation a little better than what I did. Even by just walking away from the situation.Or just trying to calm him down.Because he looked pretty angry during that whole little meeting. But In the end it turned out to be good.

The author's comments:

This inspired me because friends will always come and go.

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