The unloyal girl | Teen Ink

The unloyal girl

December 17, 2015
By aleman165 BRONZE, Nevade, Kansas
aleman165 BRONZE, Nevade, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There's some people that want attention but there’s some people that want very
full attention like a girl named Kailey.
   Kailey had a boyfriend but all the time they were on and off which was pretty dumb.Kailey really wanted all the boy’s attention, “why”,”idk but she did”,and one day she talked with one boy on the phone and then the other day she talked to another boy and that was almost every day with different boys and she made them tell her i love you even tho if they didn't want to because if not she would tell them,”don’t ever talk to me again,bye”,and the boys were so into her that they just prefered to say i love you,but the problem was that the boys she talked to didn't know she talked to other boys,but then it happened.
   One day in school they had a party with all the High School students and teachers.Later on that day all the boys went for a walk and they had a conversation about who they liked and most all of them said Kailey so they started arguing and saying,”but she talks to me one the phone,and she tells me she loves me”,and they finally talked and came to the point that she was talking to a lot of boys at the same time,so after that day no one talked to her and her boyfriend broke up with her and never went back with her.
   That's why some people need to learn that not everything is about attention and that if you like a boy stay with him instead of fooling around with some other ones cause if not you can stay with no boyfriend,no guy friends no friends because people can stop trusting you.

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