School Change | Teen Ink

School Change

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Before stepping a foot into the middle school I have heard a lot about how unfair the school was. Such as how their dress code was more like a prison, only certain colors and a strict limit to what you were aloud to wear. I obviously assumed the worst from this school, I also have been told math is easier and writing was harder. When I came to orientation the school was smaller than expected, but the classrooms were hard to adjust to. The transition from elementary school to middle school was difficult. It was difficult because, some classrooms were all the way on the other side of the room, teachers were somewhat nice, and the size was everything intimidating.

The first time I struggled in the new school was when our math teacher had us complete a homework assignment about fractions. So I took it home and started to work on it, then I get to this one particular problem and spent an hour trying to figure it out. Eventually I start getting frustrated and flipping out thinking about how everyone else probably has this problem done with in the first five minutes. So my dad tells me to give it an hour, so I do and I see it sitting in my room, I just take a few moments  to stare at my archenemy and I look at it and say “ you gonna. Then I act  like i’m working on my paper and then ten minutes later my Dad asks, “did you finish your homework”? Lied and told him I did. The next day didn't work out very well, I received a demerit ( discipline tool ) and had to call my dad he was ticked.  One of the only times I have actually lied to him, which I had felt horrible about to this day.

Second time we had some homework my dad forced me to sit next to him and work until I needed his help he ensured me he would help with everything as long as I tried. That talk nearly brought me to tears with that amount of emotion he had in his voice, he cared for my education. He didn't want what he had growing up. For a week of the first three weeks I tried I did ok and getting better grades. Big tests 100 pointers came up in every class I failed each one and soon gave up on it after realizing how hard I tried did not matter. Honest to God I have some degree of bad memory my dad stills holds this excuse of me forgetting what I was doing half way across the living room, that for a matter of fact still happens. With that fact I kept forgetting whether or not I had homework the next day everyday I would remember I had homework after a kid said something. I began to force myself to do my homework but the more I forced myself the less I worked. I would sit there staring at my homework for hours after  of thinking too hard I'd drift into deep thought. Then later fall asleep to the annoyance of math and other homework.

After that dreadful week I started to procrastinate more and more . Finally I have got to a point where I didn't do any homework at all all year. I started to get in trouble by my dad and the school. For my dad I try again but that didn't work so, they put me into a help class were the teachers treat you like a baby guiding you through even the simplest of things. That one simple class ticked me off, not the help, the way they look at you and treat you. I said in my self all the time “I am your equal I should not be treated like this”, except my interpretation of that sentence didn't come out that spokenly it instead was nasty, rude and uncaring about everything. At the time that's what thought and that's what I still believe that's the way I was raised. That being said, I was an obnoxious child, only towards teachers disrespecting them, that made it difficult to think and be cooperative. Honestly I know now that it makes life a lot harder when you make enemies that you see and conversate with every day. So with me being so rude and disrespectful made me be very unintelligent towards my thinking and responding to the teachers.

I was forced to do better about two thirds the way through. The principal had told me that they will hold me back as long as it takes to teach me that school is the most. (important to be focused on). The one message that went through my thick skull. I remember the sheer thought of me eating held back, it was horrifying. Except I never expressed how terrified I actually was just to show them I wasn't scared. That didn't help once they realized scaring me didn't help my grades they put me into race against time. What I mean is the principal told me I had to raise all my grades above a D to pass. This was the THE RACE AGAINST TIME, it was three weeks before summer I was back about 200 point in each class, so I studied stayed up for hours at night and eventually I barely made through sixth grade. Really the transition from elementary school to middle school was a lot harder and difficult. I also just skimmed by in Sixth grade only by principals decision

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