Overcoming Coming Out | Teen Ink

Overcoming Coming Out

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Many wonder how hard it is for people to tell their friends and family that they like the same gender.  I've had to go through that process. I wouldn't put anyone through that even if I hated them to the core. Personally it was the most challenging struggle of my life. Coming out to  friends and family can be difficult because the process can change relationships.  

My life was... interesting. I had a couple close friends, a few other kids that I disliked at the time, a kid who beat me up, and some favorite and disliked teachers. All of this lasted until around the middle of my sixth grade year. This was the year in which I discovered part of who I am. It all started when I began to look at some guys around me in life the same way that I used to look at the girls. I assumed that I was bisexual. When I found that out, I naturally went and told my best friend about it. Nobody had a problem with it. Even now nobody has any trouble with it. In seventh grade though, is when many parts of life went wrong. Around the beginning of that year, I began to lose any attraction to girls, that is when I realized it. I’m gay. It didn’t faze me or anyone around me. Most of my friend supported me, and continue to do so today. I even made some new friends because of the fact that I am gay. Some parts do get annoying though. For instance, some others in my grade ask me my opinions on some guys that they think are cute, to which I definitely don’t mind giving my opinion, and it gained me attention that I didn’t want nor did I need. I like being in the middle of the quiet kid and the noisy one. Coming out as gay achieved me the unneeded attention when I wanted to be the quiet kid. Life was fine until February of that year. That’s when everything went wrong.

February of 2015 is when I came out to my parents. I did not enjoy it, because I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I had just arrived home from a weekend long camping trip, to which my parents didn’t go. I instantly went on my phone and was talking to my friends through my Instagram account. My mom wanted to look at what I was doing. I, being the stubborn person I am, turned my phone off and wouldn’t give them the passcode. Through the next hour of them asking me for the passcode, they also asked what I was hiding. I had to tell them no matter what at that point. If I hadn’t done so, they would’ve been angry that I hadn’t shared this bit of information with them. When I told them, my mom started crying for some reason, and my dad was really tense. To this day, I still don’t know why they reacted like that. The next three or four days were spent talking with them about this. My mom said, “You are too young to be thinking about something like this. Wait three years and we’ll talk again.” I was appalled at the fact that she had the nerve to say something like this. As well as that, my mom, my dad, my brother, and some friends have said three words that make me very angry. “You can change.” Since those days, my life has changed a ton.

I definitely have a ton more friends than before I came out. My parents tend to avoid the topic, but I don't know why. I'm definitely more open about my feelings and opinions. Now I definitely know more of who I truly am. It also has an affect on my actions, such as, when I'm sitting in a chair, I'm very fidgety and can't sit still. Not much other than that has changed. I have noticed though, that some of my friends are going through a similar part of their life where they discover their true sexuality. It makes me happy inside to see people around me that are able to relate to what I went through.

Sexuality can change people's lives, or sometimes, the course that a life can take. It can destroy, but it can also rebuild the foundation. Some people can go through life with friends and family that will support them until the end. Others may have family that won't accept them, but a friend or two that will. Personally, I don't quite know where I stand. As of now, only my parents and brother know. I'm scared to tell the rest of my family. Hopefully they will accept me, and that I'll have the courage to tell them.

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This article has 1 comment.

MrsGrayER said...
on Jan. 7 2016 at 10:00 am
I am so proud of your essay. Good work sharing this "with the world"!