The Hizzle Firizzle | Teen Ink

The Hizzle Firizzle

December 8, 2015
By Sebastian74 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Sebastian74 BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Ninth Grade, me and my friends, Alec, Pablo, Domonick, and Yousef, would sneak into the auditorium, and Usually, everything went swell, but not that time.”Hey”, Pablo said,”We should go to the Hizzle Firizzle.” The Hizzle Firizzle was a nickname we gave to the auditorium. Then, Alec, Pablo, Domonick, Yousef, and I, got up, threw our lunch trays away, and started walking towards the auditorium.

We walk past the guy who guards the auditorium by going through the front office and keep walking towards the auditorium. Once we arrive at the art gallery ,which had 2 doors that lead to the auditorium and the door to the control room, we peer our heads into the auditorium and then we hear keys jangling. We quickly close the door and start to ponder who that was.”I’ll check it out guys”, I said.”Ok”, Alec responded. I then go into the hallway and go down to the auditorium side door. I slowly open the door and go inside, making sure I don’t make noise. I heard keys jangling, but I can't see the guy. I hear some dim music coming from somewhere but I can’t tell where it’s coming from.

I keep searching for the guy withe the keys jangling, and suddenly, the lights go out. then, just as suddenly, the lights go back on. This happens again for a few moments, and then it hits me, my friends are in the control room! I don't have time to just sit there though, as I hear the guy with the keys jangling. I look around and I finally see him, he was an electrician, and he was headed for the control room! I quickly went outside of the auditorium. I then sprinted down the hall down to the art gallery entrance and go inside. I got to the art gallery before the electrician guy does, but just as I was grabbing the handle to the control room door, I heard the door that goes from the auditorium to the art gallery open. I stepped back paces from the control room to not look suspicious to the guy.”Were you the one messing with the lights?”, He asked once he had seen me.”No”, I responded, keeping a confident exterior. I then calmly stepped out of the art gallery into the hall and heard the guy opening the control room door.

I waited outside with my heart beating a little more than a couple beats faster. I started to wonder what happened to my friends. I kept thinking bad thoughts about what had happened. I started to deeply worry about my friends. Then, the doors abruptly opened and I saw my friends walking out.”Oh my god dude, we got so lucky.”, Alec said when he saw me.Then  the bell rang and it was time for Domonick to go to class so he left us.”what happened in there?” I asked, wanting to know what went down. He then explained to me that they heard the electrician guy coming up and hid thinking he wouldn't see them since it was dark, but the electrician turned on the lights and saw them. The electrician then just told them to get out and not do it again. we walked down the hall when he explained the story. and when he finished, we were outside the chorus room.

We were having a nice time laughing about this when we spotted a door with no handle. That door was the back door to the chorus room. Alec, Youseff, and I were ready to head back to the lunch room. Then, Pablo goes up to the door and somehow manages to pry the door open and looks inside. We head over to Pablo and hear the chorus singing in there. Pablo then pulls his head out and comes up with a stupid idea. Before, Alec, Yousef, or I have any time to react, he puts his head into the room and yells,”Hizzle Firizzle!”. without even thinking, we all bolt out of there quickly. Alec and yousef head outside by going through some nearby exits, while Pablo and   I head in the opposite direction. I turn a sharp corner and look for a hiding place to wait until the bell rings for lunch to be over. I go into the restroom to take a break. After a moment, Pablo also comes into the restroom.”Dude, that was stupid”, he muttered after realizing he had royally screwed up.”I know”, I replied feeling somewhat irritated he did something so dumb.”Where are Alec and Yousef?” He asked.”I don’t know”, I said after pondering where they might have gone off to,”Did you see where they headed to?”.”No”, Pablo answered. We eventually decided to go looking for them. We were going down the hall and the chorus teacher spotted us.”Names”, she said. Pablo tried to tell her I did nothing wrong, but she still insisted we both give our names. The next day we got called to the front office, but Pablo maned up, and took all the blame.Although we got in some minor trouble, I’m glad I got to experience it. It’s something I won’t forget.

The author's comments:

Alec wrote his side of the story called "Last Year's Adventure"

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