The time i almost got shot | Teen Ink

The time i almost got shot

December 11, 2015
By dmartine1776 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
dmartine1776 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We run for our lives from a bad person

Chapter 1: The time I almost got shot

 The time i was closest to death is when i was outside with my friend and it was getting dark. We were walking to go get our bikes and someone with a squeaky bike rides by us and flips us off. We didn't know why but we just ignored it and kept walking. To get to his house we need to walk on trail that only has lights coming from a school right next to the trail. We were walking on the trail and we stop when we hear a bike squeaking behind us it was the guy from before. He just waited there so we made room for him to ride by but he didn't move he just kept looking at us. We couldn't see his face because it was so dark and he was facing away from the light. We asked him what he wanted and he didn't answer all he did was grab his backpack and started looking for something. We were pretty far from him so we started walking we look behind us and he was pointing something at us we were shocked at first we just stood there trying to see what it was we couldn't tell but we ran just in case it was a gun. We ran through the nearest yard on to the next street and the we did it again once we were two streets away we felt safe and were just walking. Then he rides right past us He was looking at us but didn't stop then he turned his bike around and started heading towards us so we ran . We jumped a fence and ran into a neighbor's yard and then we hid, we were talking about calling his dad but we decided not to because we knew his dad would go looking for the guy and we didn't want to risk his dad getting hurt. We were there for at least 5 minutes and then we decided to knock on the back door of the house we were hiding at they answered told them what happened and we knew they wouldn't be able to do anything so we decided to take the risk and leave. We ran to the park and we called his dad because the guy that followed us would most likely be gone by then. When his dad pulled up we ran and got into the truck. He went everywhere looking for this guy but we didn't find him even if we did find him we weren't going to tell him that it's the guy just in case he had a gun.
Nothing happened after that we never saw him again.

The author's comments:

This is for a school project

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