Scarred | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By Anonymous

People always say that scars make everybody unique and show the pain left behind from some hurtful experience. I only have one scar. It's on my right index finger and it's barely noticeable. However, I won't share the story behind that scar because it is rather boring and has no significance whatsoever.

The scars that have impacted me the most are the ones that nobody can see. The deep footprints left on my heart from those who have no longer seen me fit to be a part of their life make my chest physically ache. Their goodbyes run through my veins and force my whole body to tremble. My throat becomes raw while my cheeks start to burn from the tears that never stop. The scars on my heart and the scars inside my head will never heal. The burning sensation that people feel from physical injury is the same pain that engulfs my heart everyday when I'm forced to wake up and start a new day. The heavy weight of loneliness has left craters inside my skull and left my lungs with no air to breathe. Being alone has suffocated me and left my insides shriveled up. The void in my heart runs so deep that my whole body just feels like an empty carcass. The thoughts inside my head have forced me to rip myself to shreds unwillingly. I never asked to be so broken at the seams.

The scars that have broken me down from the inside out are just as real as the pink flesh worn over an old wound. They all hurt the same and they're all in the process of healing. Although they're easier to open than a cut on my knee, they make me stronger than any physical injury could ever force me to be. I've found strength in the deepest corners within myself and comfort in one who has proved to never let me down. Time heals all wounds. Even the ones that cut you to the core.

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