Sacramento, MY Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, MY Home

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Sacramento is the home of the trees. I live on Center Parkway where everything you see is green. During the day, watching the sunset is the most beautiful thing to watch. In the morning, getting ready to work is like using a time machine with no time left.


First of all I can’t stand how I’m telling you guys the “truth”. I’m going to come clean with you all. Everything I described is a lie except “the home of the trees” part. Sacramento is actually a place where life ends on the road.

There’s alot of groups who likes the word death. The sounds of bullets streaming to your ears. The smell of burning herbs and the arguments we hear on the streets.

I guess I’m writing this so I survived. Hopefully the people on the streets survived as well. If I was making a welcoming video, I wouldn’t show all the deleterious habits in Sacramento. I would only show  the enjoyable habits instead of people thinking its a disgrace to our community. If I was the mayor, I would make my community a better place for all visitors so I can make valuable profits from the visitors.

So take my advice. “DO NOT STAY IN SACRAMENTO!”.

The author's comments:

Its about Sacramento, my community.

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