Game Changer | Teen Ink

Game Changer

December 1, 2015
By Anwar42Jackson BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
Anwar42Jackson BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I. Hate. Excuses. Excuses are a disease.
Cam Newton

The quarterback is an extension of the coach and has a certain type of swagger mentality, on and off the field.
Cam Newton

 The object is important to me, because it was my deceased uncle Jerron’s football that he had since hischildhood. After he passed away, like all unexceptional people we went to go clean out his house. While going through his, garage I had a found a football with white spray paint logography out CATS in white on the ball. If there was one thing my uncle would want me to do is exceed in school, football, and grind.

Once I spotted the ball, I picked it up and felt an instant rush to go throughout my body as if something wanted me to find this ball or my uncle’s spirit was right there with me. I thought to myself for a while ‘why would I have found some football and get some strange feeling that I was supposed to find it.” but maybe it was cold in the room as I looked around. Then, reality clouted me in the face... it was the first week of August in Georgia, so it couldn’t be cold.Contemplative hard about the things I did with my uncle all the images just popping up in mind as if I was watching Netflix; a cold sparkling tear trickled down my face.

That same day I took the ball to my dad trying to find anything that would tie into the ball, but I was astonished from the stories I had heard about the ball. My dad just sat there and smiled as if I was asking a funny interrogatory, but instead he told about twenty different stories about this ball since he was a child I was pretty amused by these stories. He asked me where I found my natural response was “in the garage why.” Maybe I should have found this ball I thought to myself, maybe I just found a ball and felt a cool summer breeze on a sunny day, but I could’ve given the ball to his kids. His daughter was eight and his son was three... what would a girl and infant who doesn’t even know what football is done with this ball like everyone’s would say “nothing”.
This ball meant a lot to me, and still does. I promised myself that I would never settle for less, sometimes I settle for less, but I knew to be successful in football like he told me to do before he left the face of this big blue and green earth. To this day anything I do, I do with my best ability 110%. This ball made me rethink life drastically. One day I will do big things; I will have something to look back on, and it will be this football.

The author's comments:

It is very personal experinace in my life and it took me a lot of courage to type this article

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