The Cocktail | Teen Ink

The Cocktail

November 12, 2015
By laceu BRONZE, Cupertino, California
laceu BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ding ding ding.

The bell rang as Jen bolted out of her class and sprinted to the lunch line. “Are you kidding me?! Why the heck is the line always so long?!” She howled. She wasn’t screaming for no apparent reason. The line was indeed very, very long.


“Maybe because people need to eat?” A stranger exclaimed. Jen thought about what to say, but she was interrupted by a robust shove.

“Food is energy and MUCH FSFJ!” She’d messed up her words. Typical Jen.

“Hey! Can I cut you?!”

“Fine, but you’ll owe me umm… chips or something.” Jen said smugly. She knew who it was, even without checking, but to be sure she glanced over.

“Ok! Great, pinky promise, and everything, but why aren’t you hanging out with those dudes, you know? Gimme just a second… oh, yeah! Like… a Jeremy and um… Josh! Tell me again why you all have names that start with j?”

“First of all, I’m waiting in line, so I couldn’t be with them,” her facial expression had changed from her usual derpy smile to her what am I going to do face. “and second of all, it’s destiny, Jessica, I’m destiny’s child!”

“What the heck. Yeah, so anyways why don’t you just sit with me and the other people, you know Amanda, Emma… ?” Jessica questioned,

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” She interrupted while they scooted along in the line. “I know.” Those goofballs were her friends, Jeremy and Josh, that is, besides, they made a promise to never leave each other, even through high school, but not all promises last, and even Jen knew that much.

You see, since she could remember, she hung out with guys. For some reason she just preferred it.


“But, I dunno know.” She thought about what to do. For once, maybe she would go with her (to talk to her true friends wink wink), but what would they even talk about? Girl stuff?! Yeah, no. “One day, maybe, but I don’t what’ll happen when I’m gone, probably some sort of wild rampage, I guess.”

Once, when Jen was absent her friend, Jeremy, explained how without her there was mass chaos, and she had to be there to constantly “mom” the group. I suppose she didn’t like the sound of that.

Jen was confused. Lately, her friends had been acting a lot weirder than usual. They said bad words, laughed at innocent groups, and they harassed her other friends, but they were her best buddies. Or were they?

Sometimes, they'd subtly made fun of her. At times they'd tell her she was stupid, they were in a higher math level than her. Jeremy was in highest level for the next grade, and, infact, Josh continually went to math competitions, earning a lot of cash for ranking highly. She was is the lowest level for her grade. Jen knew it wasn't supposed to hurt her feelings, but it punched her in the gut.

It was weird, too. She rarely thought about her feelings.

Jen shuffled to the front of the line where she then purchased her turkey taco pocket while Jessica bought Jen’s chips and a banana.

"I'm gonna get going. I could eat a horse." Jessica walked away while tossing a banana into the air, and she had barely enough time to wink before the banana splattered onto the ground, becoming bruised and nasty. Jen laughed, and Jessica smiled back.

She didn’t want to keep the boys waiting, so she sprinted toward their direction. 

As Jen approached Jeremy and Josh, she noticed that they were mixing some sort of nasty cocktail together. From what she could tell, it contained grass, dirt, and some yellow liquid, hopefully that was apple juice. She did what any sensible person would do, turning in the other direction.

“Hey Jessica! Wait up.”

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