Just Cut It | Teen Ink

Just Cut It

October 30, 2015
By amccann BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
amccann BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sky was clear blue with no clouds in sight. The car was riding smooth on the open drive, it was one big corse for us to travel.The sun was beating down on the hot pavement, you could smell the freshly paved road melting away. It was a very humid day, we were all tired from our long trip. We were heading to the badlands of South Dakota,which was part of our out west adventure. Then there was Ally in the back seat sweating while she was napping. She had her sturdy seat belt wrapped around her in a awkward way. The seat belt went underneath her legs and around her neck, but somehow she was lying down comfortable.Then you could hear a loud “CLICK!’’
Ally was sleeping in the back peacefully. Then she got up from the chatter in the car. She started to push and pull to get the seat belt off of her. When she could not get the seat belt off of her she called back my older brother Tyler. “Tyler I can’t get out of my seat belt,” She said laughing. Tyler also could not get the seat belt off of her.
Next my mom asked me to get involved. I exclaimed “I can’t get it either!” Meanwhile my mom and dad were in the front two seats cracking up because she was actually stuck in the seat belt. When Ally was crying in the back, and screaming, “I can’t get out, I can’t get out, stop laughing!”

In the back seat Ally was coughing and she had a runny nose because of her cold and she was nearly about to puke. The seat belt was wrapped around her stomach and her neck, very tight, you could see the red mark from the seat belt. Then she was screaming and crying so loud and it was getting very annoying, so my dad pulled over on the side of the crazy highway. So we were on the side of the main Highway and we were trying to get Ally out of her seat belt. My dad tried his best to get the seat belt off of her, it did not come off. It seemed like the seat belt wanted Ally to die because it would not budge. We were all still laughing when Ally was still crying and whining. So we decided to call 911, because we did not have any any supplies with us also nobody could get the seat belt off of her. Ally was screaming “just cut it, just cut it” she was also yelling “I am never going to get married or have kids, I  have to poop, I am going to die!!” That made us laugh even more.

We all said in unison “Ally just calm down the firefighters are on there way.” So after about 5-10 minutes the firefighters came.

Right away the firefighter introduced himself as Chief Smith. He politely asked “What is your problem?”
In panic my mom said “My daughter is stuck in a seat belt and we can not get her out, we tried everything, but she is stuck in there good.” So then Chief Smith got into the car, and we got out of the car onto the side of the highway. He tried to get the seatbelt off even they could not get it. Chief Smith said  nervously “ we can not get the seat belt off of her, we might have to cut it.”

  My mom pleaded “ We cannot ruin the car it is not ours.”

Chief Smith emphasized “ It is either the car or your daughter.” Chief Smith ordered “We will have to cut it right by her neck because that is wear the soft spot of the seat belt is.”

Ally was raging “ NO DON’T, YOU WILL CUT MY NECK!!” but recently my mom agreed to cut it. Ally whispered to herself “It’s all going to be okay, I can do this.” Ally grabbed my mom’s face and said almost crying “Mommy love you so much.” So Chief Smith took out his huge knife. Confidently Ally said “Go ahead cut it, but DO NOT cut my neck!” You could see the worried look on all of our faces especially Ally’s face. So Chief Smith inched closer and closer until he got to the seat belt.

When he was cutting the seat belt he calmly stated “Ally you are doing great, keep it up.” He cut the seat belt with his huge knife about a millimeter away from her neck. Ally did not even pay attention to what Chief Smith was doing, she just held on to my mom’s hand and mumbled “Are they done yet mommy?”

My mom replied “They are almost done, you are doing great.” When Chief Smith was cutting the seat belt it seemed like it took him 10 years because of the suspense wondering if everything would turn out alright. Really in reality it was only about 30 seconds.

Chief Smith stated “That knife almost was not enough to cut through that sturdy seat belt, but it did the job.”  So everything turned out okay, Ally looked so relieved.When she got out of the seat she went right for my mom rejoicing “ Mommy, Mommy, I love you!”

My mom joyfully said “I am so proud of you Ally I knew you could do it. But I have one question.”
“Yes mom?”
“How did you get stuck in your seat belt?”
Ally replied “It is a long story, there is no time to explain.”

So right after Ally got out of the seat belt we said thank you to the Chief Smith he joked “Ally why don’t you just not wear a seatbelt for now one, so we don’t have to come back again.” and then Chief Smith left in his big fire truck. I will never forget his joyful face. So since Ally had to go to the bathroom my dad drove over to a gas station which was right across the highway so Ally could go. So then we went back to our out west adventure.

When we were driving away I looked back at the seat belt and were Chief Smith cut it it looked like the devil's face. I wonder if that seat belt really was possessed. I will never sit in that back seat ever again. Ally told us all about what was going on in her head. She tried to explain to us how she got stuck in her seat belt. When we were heading back to our trip the sky  changed to a stormy look, with the sky all dark. It felt like 9:00pm but it was really only 1:00. To this day we still make fun of her for being so dumb for getting stuck in her seat belt, and wondering how she got stuck in the seat belt. She will also never wrap herself up in a seat belt again. The seat belt is still missing from the car, and whenever I see the seat belt it brings back so many good memories.

The author's comments:

It is a good short story!

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