An Interactive Day | Teen Ink

An Interactive Day

November 5, 2015
By renlozano21 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
renlozano21 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that when I say you in this writing, I'm intentionally speaking to you the reader.

I was in my first period, talking to a friend of mine there and she was going on about how she was taking care of this baby while in her Pharmacy class. She had to take care of it while the mother was going through something with the doctor. She went on to do what most girls and women would act like - not trying to be in any way offensive - by being in awe and commenting how adorable and cute the baby looks and is. Other than that I did a little bit of clerical duties for the counselors since I'm a student assistant if you didn't already figure that out. You probably did and now I feel stupid for writing this or you didn't know in which I still feel stupid. Anyways where was I? Oh right, first period. At the end of the period, I follow my usual routine of talking to my friend until she branches off with her boyfriend much to my dismay. I'm not explaining why to my dismay, because I'm hoping you know by now, if not too bad.

Now arriving to 2nd period, which is ROTC, makes my head hurt due to the controversy of wanting to stay in the class or not. I don't like the uniform, but I like the structure it gives and how it changes people. When I'm in ROTC it gives me a sense of belonging something I don't get at home. It's part of the reason I like going school rather than being at home. Anyways I get off track back to ROTC, in this case the good outweighs the bad in staying in ROTC.

I'm going to skip writing about 3rd period mainly because I'm watching videos I actually need to pay attention to.

My fourth period one of my favorites because its government. I have a test I didn't study for, but know I'll do great on. I tend to learn best when something about the subject interests me. The problem is what interests me about something comes at various and random times.

Sometimes too late, at the right time, or somewhere in between. Sorry if I bore you with this part of my life, but I need to give something for the Creative Writing assignment.

Not going to bother with 5th period because all I did there was write this assignment.

Lunch was a blur since I took a nap for like 20 minutes and then continued writing this.

Well that's all I got for you to read thanks for hearing about my day. Later.

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