My Choice | Teen Ink

My Choice

October 26, 2015
By isabella9agras BRONZE, La Quinta, California
isabella9agras BRONZE, La Quinta, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sat, my fingers clasping around the small bars that kept me from falling to my death. I looked down I saw the buildings around me and could see small children and parents that were looking up to see us, from here they looked smaller than a pin. I felt the crisp air around me as I waited, not knowing when we were going to drop. My feet dangled over as I questioned what I had gotten myself into. Overhead I heard Lex Luther speak on the microphone then with a big jolt we were gone.

It was a beautiful morning in August when my best friends had driven me to Six Flags, home to the some of the biggest thrill rides and the tallest drop ride that the world has ever seen. Standing at over 415 feet tall and over 40 stories high I looked up to see the Lex Luther ride better known as “The Drop Of Doom”  It towered over me, I felt so small compared to it. I thought of everything that could go wrong, though my best friends had tried to cheer me up, I knew I was not going to like this choice.

It all started two months ago when my best friends from my swim team told me that they were going to take me to Six Flags for a “start of swim season get together” I was so excited and happy that I had gotten invited. For days, I would dream of all the fun rides, walking around, laughing, and going on roller coasters. At the time, I honestly thought we would have gone on the children’s rides! Oh but was I wrong.

As those months, weeks, and eventually days went on my excitement grew more and more. I was dying to get on the rides! I even looked through the Six Flags website to see how many rides there were, which were rated the best, and which weren't that good. I had my mom book my friends and I a hotel since they were paying for my ticket. My excitement could not be contained.

Finally, for what seemed like a year, the day came that my swim team and I would go to Six Flags. As I waited outside at the break of day, I closed my eyes and imagined how much fun I was going to have. Today was definitely going to be a day to remember, I just couldn’t wait. As we approached the park, I could see all the rides, tall and almost looked buildings soaring high over trees and stores nearby.  My friends and I squealed as we saw Twisted Colossus, the world’s longest ride in time length, with 4 minutes of twists, turns, and loops. But that was when I saw it. The Drop Of Doom. It was big, no not big, it was massive in height. The ride towered over all the roller coasters. I really hoped my friends would not make me go on the drop. I kept quiet and prayed that I would not have to go on.

Throughout the day we went on six to eight roller coasters, I had so much fun. We rode on a carousel, Roar, Superman, The Joker's jinx, Apocalypse, and Cyclone. Eventually, we were very tired and hungry and needed a break from all the thrill,  we went and stopped at a nearby restaurant and ate. We were enjoying our fries, hamburgers and drinks, when a roar and loud screams came over us. Commotion built as everyone looked around to see what was going on. My friends and I went outside to see what had happened. Again it stood, tall, strong, and overpowering, The Drop Of Doom. I stood frozen in terror, I asked myself, why would anyone ever want to ride that? All of a sudden I hear laughter and giggles.

My friend Riley cheerfully called me over, “Bella, we have to ride that, it looks super fun!”

I glanced over to see all my friends agreeing with enjoyment. I wanted to say something badly but I knew seven people would defeat my vote. As all my friends engaged in different conversations of their own, I sat down with dread, I knew I was going to have to get on the ride. Later, as we came near the ride, we found that it was closed for maintenance I wanted to yell and cheer, but my excitement was quickly cut short as an employee came closer and moved the sign. On top of that we were in front of the line waiting. I really had no time to stop and describe to my friends of how horrified I was and how I did not want to get on the ride one bit.

My best friend, Akemmi saw that I was in distress and asked me, “Bella, what’s wrong?”

“ To be honest I am terrified of heights, I hate the feeling of my stomach dropping, and most of all the feeling that if something goes wrong I could die, I just don’t want to get on the ride,” I replied in a small whisper.

She frowned at me, “ Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

“ I didn’t think it would change everyone’s mind.”

She looked at me for a brief second and looked at the small amount of people ahead of us.

“ I’m so sorry Bella but we are too far ahead in line to go back, trust me you will be fine, I am a little scared of heights too.”

I felt so low, but felt a little better to see that my friend feeling my distress as well.

Eventually, all my friends discovered that I was frightened by the ride and tried cheering me up, but all I could do was stand and feel sorrowful. Finally, we got on the ride, the seat belts strapped over my shoulders like stiff bars that felt like they were suffocating me, I felt uneasy and not secured, checking several times to see if it would budge.

I could hear my friends say,“You got this Bella!”

But my thoughts overpowered their voices. As we went up and up I could hear the wind move, whisking my hair back and forth, and for a still second I found peace as we were at the top. I was so beautiful up here, I could see the town for miles. But my fear soon took over as I started to tremble with fear, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I hear Lex Luther speak through the microphone but the voice is too mumbled for me to understand. Then we are gone, like a meteor crashing into the earth ,we go down, I shriek in fear but with thrill and buzz, moving through the air at over 100 miles per hour, everything passing me in slow motion. Suddenly, we hit with a big jolt, and we are completely still. I feel happy! I want to ride it again, I was shocked! All my friends come together with a high five and a burst of laughter. I learned that I was never actually scared of the ride I was scared of falling, the fear was of not knowing when I was going to drop. I had never felt so pumped in my life.

To conclude from my experience I learned what my fears were, I discovered a new part of myself, with a state of excitement and pleasure which made it an important choice for me. I think others can learn from this experience through this quote I have chosen.

“ I like normal stuff people fear- spiders and heights, but the difference is I am afraid of the unknown, by things that are hard to figure out and hard to get a grip on. People aren’t actually afraid of heights they are afraid of falling. ”-Haley Osment.

I learned that I wasn’t actually scared after getting back on the ride for a third time, I had an amazing amount of excitement and I enjoyed the ride. I realized that I made a great choice, and it wasn’t a mistake. I used this quote because I think it is sentimental to people who may have had the same fear as I did or even a fear like spiders or clowns. It shows a new demeanor to fears, that you aren’t actually afraid of what you think, you are indeed afraid of the unknown.

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