A Growing Artist in Development | Teen Ink

A Growing Artist in Development

October 26, 2015
By Monicawicks BRONZE, Aiea, Hawaii
Monicawicks BRONZE, Aiea, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

“Energy is powerful. Energy does not stop. It goes through the body starting from the center of the chest, passing through the shoulder, into the upper arm, surrounding the elbow, rushing into the forearm, wrapping around the wrist, spreading into the hand, pushing through the knuckles, leaving the fingertips, shooting through the wall, moving on and on through the space.” -Mrs. Yamada

My arm reaching towards the right. Stretching as far as I could to move through space, but the movement did not make me feel anything special. How does energy travel through my body? I'm just moving my arm, nothing more. I did not understand what Mrs.Yamada said, but I did something of that sort anyways.

Mrs. Yamada was the dance teacher at Mid-Pacific Institute a few years ago. Most of the quotes and information Mrs.Yamada said stuck in my head but stayed with no meaning. Messages like “create more from within” or “feel everything and everyone around you,” did not exactly make sense to me.

My body crouched over my legs and my arms reaching towards the right on the ground. My body initiates the transition towards the left. My body starts moving, slowly growing towards the ceiling and the upper left corner. As my body moves, my arms still reaching to the right, my hips and torso slowly travel to the left. Every part of my body stretching towards the left, the tips of my finger is the last to reach the upper left corner. I felt a small ball rolling through my body and once it rolls past a specific body part, then that part of the body stretches and reaches more.

Standing still, the energy glows in the center of my body, lifting my chest towards the front of the stage. The energy is still moving inside my chest, keeping my body active. Being more confident with the concept of energy, I am more confident in my dancing and it shows while I dance.

The low note starts as I stand facing towards the audience. The second low note cues me to start moving. Curling my fingering into my palms, the energy travels through my fingers towards my arms. Once the energy travels into my chest, it pauses there since I create a curve in my back. Holding the position there, the ball of energy travels down into my left leg. My left leg reaching as far as it can to the side, I fall on to my left leg because it could not reach any further to the side. Energy makes me move and reach to my fullest extent. As I continue dancing, the energy travels through my whole body and I am attentive with where and how it moves.

I think of Mrs.Yamada while I dance in class or any piece. I think of the first time she taught me and how I had no clue in what I was doing. Seeing the progress I made, I understand how she wanted me to dance. She has changed and molded me into a dancer with so much potential. Without the knowledge I obtained from her, I would not have been the artist that I am today.

“If I were to do this combination without focus and energy, then it have no meaning or clarity. But if I do the combination with focus and energy, then it has potential and interest.”  -Mrs.Yamada.

Demonstrating to show what she means by focus is important, put clarity into my head. There was a meaning and connection with everything she said. Thinking of what and why she taught me the things she did a few years ago has helped me understand and made me grow into an artist.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 16 2015 at 6:32 pm
Monicawicks BRONZE, Aiea, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
i loved your essay and how well you exlained the energy moving through your body its reallt cool i could feel it