Why Harry Potter Is the Best Thing That Happened to Me | Teen Ink

Why Harry Potter Is the Best Thing That Happened to Me

October 24, 2015
By NoorCheema BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
NoorCheema BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
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When I was a kid, my only passion was watching television. Now, my passion is reading. The first book I ever read that inspired me to read was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This book pulled me in with its adventure. This book is about a boy, Harry Potter, who discovers he was a wizard. After this, his life becomes a rollercoaster of uncertainty. He starts his new school, and makes two incredible best friends. Then Voldemort, the man who killed Harry’s parents, comes to steal the stone that will reincarnate his body and extend the span life. Harry and his friends courageously defeat him. This was a life-changing book for me. After finishing the Harry Potter series, I really started to enjoy reading. Ever since then, I don’t ever put a book down before I’m finished with it. My life changed when I was passionate about reading.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.” (George R. R. Martin). When I read a book, it inspires me, encourages me, and shows me a different world. It just makes me excited. When I read, I never get bored. A book, for me, is a way to forget the world. Books have a remarkable ability to change my mood. Regardless of whether I’m angry, depressed, or stressed, a book will make me happy. Reading is my passion. Passion is defined as; “a feeling which is strong and barely controllable.” (Google Definitions). Individual passions may vary,  but  everyone needs to be passionate about something. Reading might even be something you're passionate about. That's why should always try something that takes you out of your comfort zone.

Books took me out of my comfort zone. Since I’ve started reading, I learned that even if I’m not comfortable with something, I should try it out. It might turn out to be something I love doing. It might even become another one of my passions. Passion is the one ingredient that can turn a job into a career. Being passionate about something is absolutely magnificent. Hopefully, one day, I will get my dream job of being a proofreader at a publishing house. Then, my passion would become my life, and consequently, I would have lived my life to its full extent.

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