The Strossa Cabin | Teen Ink

The Strossa Cabin

October 17, 2015
By LynnZ-Lee BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
LynnZ-Lee BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
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As we loaded the small white car, I had excitement building up inside of me. I was jumping with joy for the arrival of the Strossa cabin. The long car ride to the Strossa’s cabin with Bree and her family isn't boring like I thought it was going to be, after all, we get to talk and read an adventurous book on the way up. Not only do we get to read a book we get to stare out the window at the beautiful scenery of the tall mountains, green pine trees, and the amazing rainbow colors of the sun set. As we finally hit the dirt road we unbuckled our seat belts, so that we could sit at the edge of them.The mountain air was so refreshing. We finally got to the cabin, and I couldn't wait for the adventures to start. After we unpacked, moved, and cleaned thing up Bree showed me around. I thought to myself "I think i'm going to like this trip."

As mama Strossa made us our lovely dinner, the Strossa family and I sat around the warm and cozy fireplace and sang songs together with a little bit of guitar. it was perfect with the smell of burning wood, and the light of the flames bouncing off the walls. It is one of the most peaceful, treasured, and sacred moments of my life. I could feel the spirit with me the whole time: i felt like this is how a family should be. After we had our delicious dinner we all settled for bed, after all we needed the sleep for the long and exciting day tomorrow.

When we woke up we had the most delicious breakfast, with pancakes, eggs, and sausage. I loved it so much. The flavor of the syrup melting in my throat, and the smell made my mouth water. After that we had to do some work around the property, but I didn't mind, it was actually really fun. We had to pull fencing back up and slide nails through the fence so it would stay. While we started out on our job we got to see a stunning view of Mount Cutty, we also balanced and did our best not to fall down the steep uneven mountain, until the job was done.

Bree and I are done with working and are ready to have some fun, so Bree told me she wanted to show me something. Bree and I hiked up their property finally reaching the destination Bree wanted to show me. It was amazing, they had a little mini hotel made out of tall and skinny trees spread out everywhere. Some of the trees were cut down to carve holes for little hotel rooms. They had taken broken parts of trees to make seats and block hall ways, and they took the brush for bedding. They showed me who's room was were, and told me that they would make me a room. We messed around building and fixing rooms that had been damaged, and adding some decorations, like rocks with fool's gold in them. “Where did you get those?”, I asked. Here i'll show you.

Bree and her siblings dragged me to another place on the tall hill, It is an old abandoned mind! Bree is showing me what kind of rocks we could find here like turquoise and fools gold. We start digging and dig for cool looking rocks to keep for souvenirs. We did deeper and deeper, but soon get tired of looking for fools gold. we then give up, and head back to the cabin.

When we get back to the cabin, we just relax and play the few games that were lying around. Bree and I got out the hammock and played, relaxed, and cuddle together in it. As the whole family relaxed I watched the nature of the mountains. The trees swaying back and forth, bugs whizzing by, and birds flying. I was watching a bush when all of a sudden a humming bird whizzes by, back and forth. The pretty colors catching my eye each time it comes by. I just want to catch it and examine the beauty of it.

Papa Strossa soon comes out to tell us that our time here at the cabin is done, and that we need to pack up. Bree and I sadly put away the hammock and start packing for the dispersal from the cabin.

The car is started the bags are packed, and half of the family is ready to leave, but papa Strossa, Bree, and I are all on bikes ready to hit the bumpy path down to the highway. we start pedaling down the hill, then suddenly we start plunging down the hill hitting rocks, and almost falling off our bikes. we race down the hill with Papa Strossa in the lead, with me not to far behind, and Bree coming in last. The bike ride was fun, but over in no time. we loaded the bikes and started heading home.

Little did I know that mama and papa Strossa had I little surprise for us kids. We pulled in the parking lot of a hot springs! I was super excited I couldn't wait. I literally was jumping while waiting to pay to get in. As soon as we finished getting dressed I ran to the water and jumped in. Ahhhh the warmth of the water felt so good on my cold skin. The wind was blowing , so we didn't dare get out of the water. We would race under water, have breath holding contests, etc.. we became very tired and lazy, but still didn't want to get out because it was so cold. Sadly the nightmare came. we had to get out so that we could be home in time for dinner, but this time there was no surprise.

The author's comments:

In my life I have rarely ever felt the feeling of having a family together. Without fighting, murmuring, or complaining. In this story I have a great adventure with my best friend, but I also have a very special moment with her family. we all just relax around the fire, singing, and smiling. That is a precious moment I will keep and cherish forever.

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