My 2/3 Three Day Weekend So Far | Teen Ink

My 2/3 Three Day Weekend So Far

September 6, 2015
By JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My three day weekend consists of my so called Saturday sojourn, and a Sunday of procrastination. Before I start, this is being written on my Sunday of procrastination, and I just started writing this essay at exactly 4:20 p.m. Sorry for not being a very good raconteur. I am full of jejune nonsense when I write essays. Don't worry, there will be an incredulity moment as I write this.

To start off my three day weekend, my Saturday started off productive as I gathered the homework needed to be done, but after an hour writing my name, I already needed a respite. I took a short one, and it was amazing from hours of morose. As I was thinking about this prosaic thought, I overheard my mother talking about how I needed something for class. I ended up on my brothers lap in a small car, on our way to get that thing I needed for class. After eight hours, and over seven different locations, I never got what I needed for class. My expected agenda never happened the way I wanted it. I then hoped for Sunday.

Obviously my Sunday wasn't productive, as stated in my first paragraph. I hoped for a harbinger to take me on a road to euphoria. As always, my plan never goes as expected. I watched a total of ten YouTube videos, and was only interested in half of them, made cereal bars because they were college hacks that were meant for high school, and I walked around my house opening and closing the fudge hoping for food. It was almost four and I feel like I haven't made much progress. I think I'll never figure out what topic am I going to use for my essay.

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