The Love Story | Teen Ink

The Love Story

September 11, 2015
By Skater2015 BRONZE, San Angelo, Texas
Skater2015 BRONZE, San Angelo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is my Batman

The one person I want to keep in my life is my boyfriend Josh, but I am the only person allowed to call him “Batman.”  I dated batman for almost a year until I messed up by talking to other guys, while he was gone. He is in the Air Force and is in Arizona. I miss him and talk to him every day after he gets off of work. We are back together now. He can always tell when something is wrong with me and I can do the same thing with him. I am closer to him then I am with anyone else. Batman and I have almost everything in common about us. When one of us is upset or feeling down the only person we talk to is each other because we close everyone else out. It is hard for us to get mad at each other or stay mad at each other because of how close we are. We have been making plans for what we want to do when he comes home to San Angelo, Tx. Yes we both make mistakes when it comes to one another but we give it a little time and talk it out so we can try and fix what happened between us. It’s not often that anybody sees us mad at each other or not talking to each other. He has been gone for a little over a year now and we lost communication with each other until he had already been gone for 9 months before we finally found a way to communicate. When I talk to him it feels like we are the only 2 people that matter at that time. I block everything but him out when we talk and Skype or anything else. He means so much to me and I lost him 1 time for about 1 months and not having him in my life for those 2 months killed me inside. I quit talking to most people and I closed myself off from the world. The day I got him back I made him a promise to tell him everything and if he ever wanted to know anything all he had to do was ask and I would tell him the 100% truth and to this day I have kept that promise. The feelings that me and him have for each other is something that will never change. We still love each other and we have been apart for almost 5 months now. On the 25th it will be 5 months we have been broken up but we still talk and treat each other as if we are still together. The only time we act like friends and speak to each other as if we are only friends is when I am in a different relationship. Batman brings the best out in me and I bring the best out in him. We can’t lie to one another because we can tell when the other is lying. All I see in him is the good, yes he has his flaws but we work on those together. When it comes to one another we refuse to let them fight a life battle by themselves. 

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