Road Rage: The Tragedy | Teen Ink

Road Rage: The Tragedy

April 17, 2015
By Garza1058 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Garza1058 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Just a casual day at a red light. Waiting for the light to turn green just like any other good driver would. When the light finally changes to green you honk at the guy in front of you because he isn't moving, then all of a sudden BOOM! Next thing you know you're at the hospital wounded from a gunshot that some imbecile shot just because you honked, which is legal. That my friends, is called road rage. Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other road vehicles. It isn't something that we see too often but it seems that lately here in Houston, Texas its been shown in quite a few people. Twenty-two year old Kay Hafford lives to tell the story of a road rage incident that occurred to her on March 24,2015. Kay says that she was on her way to work when a white Tahoe cut her off. She says that the man in the white Tahoe then pulled up next to her and shot her in the head through the passenger side because of the anger he got of her honking at him. "When I heard Siri, that's when I cried." she said. "When I heard her say, 'Who do you want to call?' I said 911 and a 911 operator picked up. That's when I lost it." Kay is now perfectly fine but, the suspect is being charged for unnecessary violence on the road. The suspect keeps refusing to say anything to media as to why he did it or what went through his mind when he shot Kay Hafford in the head. Always remember, keep safe on the road and don't do anything you would regret.

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