Hatred | Teen Ink


April 16, 2015
By Chris_Barrientos_ SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Chris_Barrientos_ SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
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This is as red as lava oozing out of a volcano.  I can see flames when around this sometimes.  The fiery flames fly across furiously.  I wouldn’t get to close if I had a choice but nobody has a choice when it comes to this.  The size of this is limitless, like the universe.  So big it can fit anything in it. The death of loved ones comes to the mind when thinking about this or maybe a burning house with everybody’s dreams inside.

Touching this is like touching a stove that is turned up all the way.  When I have this it feels as if a pot of boiling water is where my heart should be.  Rough and jagged, it could cut you if you touch it.  Its like a thousand needles being jabbed in my body.  All the blood in my body running out and is as hot the middle of the earth.  This has an unimaginable strength.  It’s even harder than diamonds, non-breakable.  It gets cold when you fully have it.

The sound of bombs being dropped form a plane exploding everywhere is the sound.  I get nervous as I get closer and closer to this.  I can’t really flick this but if I could it would sound like flicking this item it would make the sound of splitting mountains.  The sound of chalkboard being scraped and the feeling of chills go down my back. 
When I smell this I smell rotting animals.  It’s like passing a dead animal on the road but all I can do is stand next to it and never move.  The smell of burning ashes is roaming the air.  It’s like a skunk spraying strait in the nose.  The smell of it is almost deathly, like smelling some dog scrap on the road that is fresh.  It’s similar like a landfill but ten times worst.

I cannot really taste this but if I could I would imagine it would be bitter and sour.  It would be as if a grapefruit and lemon juice are mixed together.  It would taste as if it is just sitting on my tongue.

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