Uncle Sam Wants You | Teen Ink

Uncle Sam Wants You

April 2, 2015
By Marissa Hahn BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
Marissa Hahn BRONZE, Washington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Uncle Sam wants YOU.

Enlisting into the Army or any branch of the military is a big deal, full of paperwork, headaches and excitement. These are the top six pieces of advice anyone who is curious, enlisted, or about to ship out would need.
1.) Make Sure This is What YOU want.  You wouldn’t imagine the amount of people who enlist because of pressure from their family. Or the amount of people who never give the military a shot because it isn’t what their family wanted. Stay true to yourself and do what you want to do.
2.) Pick A Job That Benefits You.  In the military the worst thing you can do is pick a dead end job. Jobs that are hard to promote in, or jobs that you don’t even enjoy. When it comes to jobs pick one that you will enjoy and that you can rely on getting in the civilian world.
3.) Get Mentally and Physically Fit.  I’m not talking about how much you can lift, or squat. I’m talking how far you can run and how fast. How many pushups and sit-ups you can do in the proper form. How far you are willing to push your body. You will be broken down, only to be rebuilt stronger. Prepare yourself mentally as much as physically, that’s what makes a great soldier.
4.) Listen and Know Your Stuff. Listen and know what you’re being told. You need to know your rankings and know how to address each one. How to address problems and how to fix it. Know commands and how to properly carrying them out. If you don’t know your stuff, get ready to do pushups and get yelled at.
5.) Be A Team Player. You better learn to work well with others because most of Basic Combat Training (BCT) is team work. If you fail, everyone fails. Play off each others strengths and help with each others weaknesses.
6.) Make The Most of It. Take all the opportunity that you can. Only one percent of the population is able to call themselves an American Soldier. Take every opportunity that is put in front of you. Even if you don’t want to, it’ll benefit you in more than one way.

This is what you need to know to pursue a career in the Army and have a wonderful experience.

The author's comments:

i am leaving for the Army in July and these are the top peices of advice that have helped me

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