Model UN (limit 200 words) | Teen Ink

Model UN (limit 200 words)

March 19, 2015
By ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
ellehm SILVER, Tyrone, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And so my friends started to get mad. Though it has already been a week, I feel like it was just yesterday. Time flies so fast. I think they are jealous, or simply they just get tired of hearing me. The first Model UN trip to Philadelphia has been one of my best experiences so far in life. The atmosphere of the conference is still lively in my memories. I’ve had the chance to meet aggressive, passionate students who love debating as I do. Never before have I interacted with students who have profound knowledge. Statelessness, which was the issue we were debating, has never occurred in my mind as I never cared about it. Until I came to this room, the statelessness issue preoccupied my mind all week. Statelessness is the term used for people who don’t have any identity of their nationality.  At first, I thought to solve the problem, the government simply provides the identity for the people; however, I learned that the problem was more complicated. Simply providing an identity can only solve the issue literally, therefore the people are still secluded from the community. One of the roots of the problem is discrimination, and our job is to find the solution. I learned to care more about the people’s feelings, learned more about statelessness and the solutions, but most of all, I learned to be confident. This experience is one step forward to my law future.

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