My Depressing Life | Teen Ink

My Depressing Life

February 27, 2015
By brandon0067 BRONZE, Munson, Other
brandon0067 BRONZE, Munson, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Never let anyone tell you that something is impossible.&quot;<br /> &mdash;Monty Oum

During my life I have been a quiet, gentle and nice guy but that was before I began to be bullied. So because of that bullying I have become very depressed for most of my life but I am still writing and haven't harmed myself in anyway shape or form at all. The reason why I became depressed is because of scum who just fill the negative spaces in the world who think they are better than everyone. Who pick on the people weaker than them... like me.

All I have ever known is to be a victim of bullying. I have never been able to fight back because I was never taught self-defence. From Kindergarten I was picked on and basically cried so I could be away from everyone. What mean I got in trouble so I was away from everyone because I got so overwhelmed I basically had a mental breakdown. I was the exact same way in grade one.

I was the smart one who had almost been bumped up to grade two but didn’t have the social skills to be bumped up to a higher grade. Then I got a fresh start in life or so I thought. I moved from British Columbia to Saskatchewan in grade two. From grade two up until grade six I was bullied very severely and had even got an illegal blade pulled on me called a switchblade.

This kid who had pulled the switchblade well his name was Brandon-Lee. He and his buddies were known as to me the Brandon group because he and two others were named Brandon. One Brandon March and another was also named Brandon. So they were always picking on me and for the longest time I thought it would never end. Then I had an idea… that idea was that I would try to become friends with them so they wouldn’t bully me anymore. Brandon-lee accepted my friendship but that friendship was very short-lived. We were walking home together and he stopped reached into his backpack and grabbed that horrid blade. He said he would kill me very slowly wit it if I told anyone about it. So me being the one who was always scared of them, told my mom and she being the good and protective mother she has always been called the cops, they took the blade from him. Later that week my mom went to go get gas at the local gas station and Brandon-lee’s mom was working there she told my mom that I was a snitch.

I have never been the same after that day, I got bullied even more severely than before and I have tried to overdose on Tylenol and lots of other things throughout my life because of scum in the world who think they are better than everyone else. So when and if you ever meet me and you think you know me just by the way I look you are very sadly mistaken.

The author's comments:

i hope that if you are the bullies or victims that you don't have to pull suicide. suicide is just a cowards way out

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