Our Dream | Teen Ink

Our Dream

February 23, 2015
By Anonymous

I've always wanted to have an adventure in life, and finally the time has come. Brody and I always talked about the journeys we would take together and the things we would see. This day is what I have been waiting for my whole life. We would talk about going flying together across the Great Plains of the United States. We would talk of living off the grid for a while, catching our own food, camping out, and watching the stars. Spending endless nights together, taking in the every beauty nature has to offer. Swimming in lakes, hiking through the great forests, discovering things we never knew about. Embracing the things around us that God made for very human being to see. Today...today is the day that I live this dream. Today is the day that I take a journey to discover what it's like to live life to the fullest. To forget about everything that has happened in the past and make the most out of everyday. It's a new beginning, a new start. When I wake up I'm suddenly overwhelmed yet excited. I make my regular breakfast that consists of Brody's favorite cereal and a cup of coffee. I put on Brody's favorite outfit, a casual, flowy light blue dress. Along with my brown pearl necklace, and brown strapy sandals. It's not the greatest outdoor wear but I want to look my best for him. I gather my stuff that I will need and head to the private airport where we will get our small plane that we will fly. Brody smiling ear to ear is giving off happiness and excitement. I cannot wait to begin this journey with him
We arrive at the airport and put our belongings in the plane. It's everything we dreamed of. Small enough for the two of us. It's white and simple but yet has so much life and meaning to it. The inside smells of the woods and old leather, giving it a sense of comfort. I climb into the plane smiling and embracing every second of every moment. This is the beginning to our dream. I look at the pilot, seeing Brody full of eagerness yet excitement. As we take off I touch the back of him giving him support and breathing in the moment. We get into the sky, being in awe of the beauty of the green grass and the bodies of water that are below us. The clouds in the sky make me feel as if I'm in heaven. For a while we didn't speak, being amazed by what we were doing. As we began to talk, all these emotions begin to hit me. The love I have for Brody is of nothing I have felt before. I'm doing this for him and the motto we live by. Make the most of everyday, not just one day, everyday. We are finally on our way to living all the adventures we had always talked about. Brody's dream has always been to fly in the sky of the world. He loved to learn about the plane and how it operated. He took numerous classes and learned quickly how to fly like a pro. Him living out his dream gave me so much joy. Whatever made him happy, made me happy. After soaring through the sky for a couple of hours we reach a great grass area to land in. I see Brody's eyes and suddenly all the fear goes away and I feel safe. The plane begins descending and we finally land with a couple rocky bumps or two. I kiss him. He does not react the way he use to though. He did not kiss me back, instead he pulled away and said, "woahhhh." It didn't bother me too much. I ignored it and moved on. The first part of our dream was lived. We got out of the plane and the flowing green grass felt smooth on our ankles. We head to this forest of huge dark brown trees. It's nothing I have ever seen before. As I get closer and closer all the memories of Brody and I's relationship flood back. The memories flood my mind like a giant tsunami. I feel as if I'm drowning in them. I get myself together. Make the most out of this, you can do it. This is our dream. I find the perfect tree to put the tent between. I set it up as Brody watches me, smiling from ear to ear. Next I gather sticks to make a campfire. I dig a small whole and put the sticks in them. Next I set up the blue hammock we had our first date in. I begin to laugh, thinking how funny we are together. I then head out to find a nearby river I can hear. The sun is setting, so Brody and I head back to the hammock to swing underneath the stars and take in the beauty. I snuggle up, with a cozy planet and a pillow for his head. The warmth and comfort I feel is increasing every second. When I think of everything we have been through I cry. Happy tears, not sad. I have had enough sad tears the past couple years. I love living in my new and improved life. I shake it off, all the fears that haunt me slowly drift off and I fall into a deep sleep. The next morning I wake up searching for Brody frantically. He is no where to be seen. I run to the river where I find him sitting on a large rough bolder. I call his name but he does not turn around. I start to get angry with him. I walk over to him and playfully slap him. My hand felt as if it went right through him. I quickly apologize and ask him to join me in the water. I quickly run and jump in. Splashing and swimming I wake my body up. I call Brody once again to come in the water but he just looks at me. I begin to get irritated. Why is he just staring at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. His brown wavy hair flowing in the wind puts me in a deep stare. I shout his name again, still on response. I run out of the water to go grab him to come in but he is suddenly not there. Where did he go? I begin to panic. Thoughts, fears, and dreams flood my mind. I began to shout, then scream. Where did he go...oh no. I run into the woods back to the tent. Still no sign. Tears begin to run down my face. I'm screaming and crying. Dropping to my knees I begin to panic. He's not here. He's gone. He will never come back. The memories of his death start flashing in my brain like a bright flashlight. "Stop it," I tell myself, "stop it."
  I lay on my back in the rough ground of the forest crying, yet pulling myself together. He will forever be gone yet the love I have for him will forever stay I my heart. No matter how hard life gets I will remember I live it for him. His death won't stop me from living life. I will get through this, I will do it for him. The emotions stop. I gaze up at the sky. The tall tree branches swaying in the wind. The puffy white clouds slowly moving in the sky. The birds and their song voices settle my heart. I take in the forest, the forest where Brody and I were going to spend endless nights in. The forest where we were going to discover who we were. The forest where we would go on adventures and learn about things we never knew before. In this moment I truly released every haunting memory of Brody and his death I had in the past. He was no longer living, and I had to except that. I slowly took deep breaths and gently closed my eyes. Everything will be okay I told myself, everything will be okay.

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