What matter most? | Teen Ink

What matter most?

January 28, 2015
By Anonymous

“What matters most?” There are many different that that matters most to me. There are three things that most matters in my life. Family, freedom, and school are the top three things that matters the most to me. Everyone should think about the those things in life everyday and night.


The first thing that matters most to me is family. It matters the most because family will supports you and your choices that you have made, good or bad choices. My family is important to me because they show that they love and care for me. Family will be there for you on the your up and down days, and they will be there when you need a shoulder to cry on.


The second thing that matters most is freedom. Freedom is important to me cause you can make your one decision, for example instead of someone else deciding for you, you gets to, and your own decisions for yourself. Freedom allows you to say or do what you feel like. I'm not the boring type so I party every weekend with my friends.


The third and final thing that matter the most is school. School is important because it prepares you for your future. Every day of school you learn something different that will help you in life. Attending school helps you meet you goals in life to be successful. Education that the school will give you helps you get a good paying job for you to get you the things you need in life.


In conclusion, the three I have chosen that matters most to me because they matter to everyone. Your family love and support is undefined in other people eyes. Freedom, well it freedom. School helps you meet your goals that should help you be successful in life. Now, what matters most to you?

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