Me, My Beautiful Self, and The Girl I Am Today | Teen Ink

Me, My Beautiful Self, and The Girl I Am Today

January 10, 2015
By Anonymous

I've wrote many things, but never a personal experience writing. Actually, as I'm typing this right now. I have no idea of what I'm about to say. So please, bear with me. 

About a year ago, I lost my best friend. Not literally, she's still alive and well, but I lost her due to girls. Mean girls. Girls who at the time I pretty much wanted to kill. LITERALLY. They were awful to me. They were awful to everyone. My bestfriend started hanging out with them more often, and pretty soon it was everyday. I became very lonely. I was not used to being home so much. I remember watching a movie about a girl who cut herself, and instantly I thought I had found the answer to all my problems. I saw the way she felt after putting the blade to her skin. I wanted to feel like that. So evidently, I tried it. Unfortunately, it worked. It filled my void and made me numb. I did it everyday. I would hide under sweaters and isolate myself from the world. For a very long time, I felt this way. I continued to harm myself. Pretty soon, people started finding out. My parents found out and put me in therapy. Everything became very stressful for them and the rest of my family. Seeing them like that only resulted in me feeling like I was "in the wrong". After months of therapy, I tried to end my life. I was sent to a hospital and got help. Since then I have been to 3 different hospitals and trust me, you can learn a lot from them. After so much counseling and groups and talking, I realized the only way to become happy again, to become the real me again, I had to take action. I began writing and expressing my feelings. I took medicine and ate healthy foods. I sang songs and watched good movies. I read inspiring books and continued talking to therapists. I started waking up easier. I felt lighter and more free then ever. I became myself. The happy, young and beautiful girl that I am. I have many friends and a giant family that supports me through everything even when sometimes I do not deserve it. I have my ups and downs still, sometimes everyday but I now know that I am the only person who can control those ups and downs. I am my own therapist, and to this day I will continue my amazing journey of hard times, good times, friendship, family, love and most importantly, finding myself. I am excited to see what comes my way in the future and I'm looking forward to see how I began taking steps towards a beautiful life of memories that will never be forgotten. Remember that after every storm, there is always a rainbow. Be yourself and always remember who you are, because you are beautiful!

The author's comments:

Every writer needs some inspiration... my inspiration was (as funny as it may sound) myself! I love writing and I think it's time I share the true story of of how I became the young and beautiful girl that I am today. I really hope you enjoy it.

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