Guess I Am Lucky | Teen Ink

Guess I Am Lucky

January 3, 2015
By charN BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
charN BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One without wealth is considered poor, One without good health is considered weak, One with both health and wealth is considered lucky….But the truth is the One with all the LOVE and care is the luckiest and the one without it is dead in his own world….. A man’s life starts with love and ends with love…..Love is what that makes even the poorest feel the richest it is what that makes the wittiest be the strongest….Everything that is to be done needs to be commenced, just so everything that is started needs love…..Love is what that makes this Earth go round, it is what that makes trillions smile and millions cry all at the same time….. Being in love gives you wings to fly around the world for no reason yet make it worth doing for…..It gives you the trust, care and belief for you to achieve what you are really capable of…..It makes you fly up in the clouds with just the simplest and the sweetest of words like a beautiful bouquet made with the most priced flowers of this world…..One can skip anything in life, but not love as you should know your life itself is LOVE…..The one question that everyone should ask themselves is, am I in love and am I being loved…..And the answer is…..YES you are!!!...And, so am I <3<3<3

The author's comments:

YES you are!!!...And, so am I <3<3<3

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