Overcoming Obstacles | Teen Ink

Overcoming Obstacles

December 15, 2014
By c.trav9 BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
c.trav9 BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" (“Helen”). That is a quote from Helen Keller that relates to an obstacle I have overcome in my life. That obstacle is public speaking and presenting to other people. It was going to be tough, and I knew that I just had to give it my best.
Since my family and I show livestock all over the United States, there was a Junior National Classic where I had to do a number of contests. The reason public speaking was one I chose is because it looks good on scholarships to get into a good university. Another reason is so I can look more professional, and have better skills for interacting with others in the future for certain tasks.
One thing I had to do was prepare for the contest. The first thing I did was think about the people I knew who could help, and that's when I thought of Mr. Steber, the Agriculture teacher. When I went to him he was prepared for me since he coaches public speaking contests. I can remember thinking to myself in a panic "I have no clue what to do, or what he will make me do?" So I watched a video on the basics and rules of public speaking. After finishing the video ,he gave me a notecard, pencil, and and sheet of topics and said "pick one and write a speech in thirty minutes to present." The first topic I picked was customer service in selling livestock. I sat there for a while. My mind was blank and I had no clue what to do for twenty minutes or so. The speech, was required to be between two and five minutes in length, yet my first one was only fifty one seconds! I was very disappointed because it seemed like an hour. How would I ever make the two minutes? I did practice ones over and over until I got the hang of it.
Now it's time to tell you about my experience at the contest. When I went to check in and pick a topic I was just starting to calm down. The topic I ended up getting was early weaning in cattle. They handed me a packet of information and two note cards. I went to the log line of tables and started reading the packet of information while I only had thirty minutes to prepare it all. They called my number to get ready and all I focused on was keeping myself calm so I didn't mess up my speech. A girl in line two in front of me came out crying like crazy! That's when my heart sank and my nerves went in every direction. I experienced nervousness I had never felt before! I went in and calmed myself down and gave a great speech. I got first place with my judges, and learned a lot from their comments.
I can't wait till next year so I can go to College Station Texas and participate in another one. I know it's easier said than done but if you ever have an opportunity outside your comfort zone, step out and pursue it to the best of your ability, good things will come from it. That is one obstacle I am proud to say I have overcome in my life.

Works Cited
Schonert, Jason "Helen Keller Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2014.

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