My First Real Relationship | Teen Ink

My First Real Relationship

December 10, 2014
By Andrew Bennett BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
Andrew Bennett BRONZE, Nashville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is the story of my first real relationship. Let me just say it had its ups and downs and curves and twist. I was in seventh grade and so was she. We were together for about a year. That is the longest lasting relationship I’ve ever had to this day. However we broke up many times but always got back together. Let me tell you about some of the many times we broke up and why.

So this story takes place in the 7th grade two years ago. I was 12 years old and she was 13. I remember the first time I saw her. It was about a week after school had started and she walked into Mr. Danforth’s class and I was sitting beside my buddy Laykin and I soon as she walked in the door I stared at her and so did Laykni We were hypnotized by her beauty. Before Laykin had a chance to say anything I yelled DIBBS! I said it so loud that the whole class heard and started laughing. I meant to say it to were only Laykin could hear me but that didn’t happen. On the Brightside they all knew I had dibbs.
I met her about a day after that incident. I walked up to her and said “Hi, I’m William”. She looked me right in the eye and said “I’m Taylia-“. “I know” I said before I could stop myself. “I mean we have a few classes together. I’ve heard your name”. “Oh yea. You’re the guy that has dibbs on me”. She giggles. “Um yea about that-“. Before I could finish someone from behind her yells her name and she says “got to go”. I nodded. I walked away feeling like I was an idiot.
The next day in Mr. Danforth’s class she sat next to me and we talked the entire period. We had a lot in common. We both liked the color blue. We had the same friends, which had its ups and downs, and we both liked Chinese food. The period ended and we said good bye. About an hour after that we had gym together. I played basketball while she talked with her friends and stuff. I couldn’t focus on the game because I kept looking at her. I got knocked down because I wasn’t looking and I got hit by the ball in the face. It stung. She was one of the first people to me. She asked me if I was okay and I said “Oh yea I’m fine. So whatcha doin”. She laughs. “What” I say. “You just got hit by a basketball in the face and your worried about what im doing”. “Oh” I say. She helps me up and we start to walk around the gym. We start talking again and we are laughing. She says ‘so are you single’ and I say ‘yea’. And she smiles at me I ask her if she is single and she said “no”. I lose my smile. “Oh”. “Yea” she says. We walk in awkward silence until someone calls my name and I say “bye”.
We didn’t talk for about a week because the only reason I was talking to her was to try to ask her out but then she told me she had a boyfriend so I just didn’t talk to her. One day on a Friday she walked up to me and said “why aren’t you talking to me anymore?” I said “I don’t know. Why haven’t you talked to me?” she responded with the excuse that she thought I was mad at her or something. I told her there was no reason for me to be mad at her. So we started talking again and became friends.
Then less than a month later, she walked up to me in my first period before the bell had rung and she was crying. I ran up to her, hugged her and asked her what happened. She said that her and Trevor, her boyfriend, had broken up. I wanted to scream YESSS but I didn’t. I just said its ok and hugged her. We stayed like that until the bell rung and then she had to go to class. My buddy Cheico saw the whole thing and I had already told him that I liked her. He looked at me and said “I see you!” I was just like whatever.
Less than a week later it was a Wednesday and I walked up to her in the hallway, we were both on our way to our next class, and I looked her right in the eye and said “Hey um do you want to go to the movies this Saturday?” she looked at me and said “…yes! I thought I was gonna have to ask you myself.” I said that that was cool and that I’d text her later and then I walked away.
This is where the story gets bumpy. We didn’t plan very well and neither of our parents could drive us and pick us up. So without me knowing, she texted my really good friend Thalia that I had known since 1st grade and asked if her mom could drive us. She said yes. Now this would have been good if I didn’t have a crush on Thalia. Thalia was Taylia’s best friend and I didn’t want her to know that I had a crush on her. But I liked Thalia way more than Taylia. What I didn’t know was that Thalia also had a crush on me.
So its Saturday and im getting ready for the date I got my button up shirt on, and I got a rose. My mom drives me over to Thalia’s house and I get out of the car. I see Thalia and she looks beautiful and I start staring on accident. Thalia sees me and blushes. Taylia walks in front of me and I realize were I’m at. I got to get it together. I’m on a date with Taylia not Thalia. So we get in the car and I thought Thalia was gonna sit in the front seat with her mom but instead she sits in the backseat with me and Taylia and that’s not it. She sits in the middle of us. If I thought that was bad I was terribly mistaken because then once we get into theater she tried to do the same thing in those seats but her mom took her with her to get drinks in popcorn. We went to the movies to see Twilight Breaking Dawn 2. I didn’t have a problem with that because my mom and sister loved those movies and I had seen all the other ones a thousand times. I kinda liked those movies. So we sit down and the movie starts. After about 30 seconds I realize Thalia’s mom never left she’s 3 rows back watching us. So I was very cautious with every move I made. I put my arm around her and somehow we were also holding hands. Well things were great until the ending started. If you’ve ever seen the end of that movie the main characters start dieing and so I tensed up. It was suspenseful. So in a matter of seconds my arm had removed from around her but we were still holding hands. I was squeezing to hard and she let go. She leans into me and says “calm down baby.” I don’t even look at her but say “Shhhh!” she didn’t like that and ignored me for the rest of the movie, the rest of the night, and the rest of the weekend.
I confront her on Monday and ask her whats wrong she tells me that whatever we have is over and walks away. I was sad but after a while she started coming back around. We started going out again. Everything was going good until I met her family. I had not met her parents yet so she thought it was a good idea for me to go ahead and meet her WHOLE family on thanksgiving. So I did and everything was going great. Her family liked me and I had gotten so comfortable that I was making joking and I was beginning to be a good hit until I met her uncle. I was in the kitchen and I was joking around with her stepdad and brother. Her uncle walked in shook my hand and said “you wanna hear what my daddy used to tell the boys that came to pick up my sister from the house?” I said sure. He looked me right in the eyes and said “my daughter is leaving this house a virgin. Now she is gonna return to this house a virgin or you are gonna leave this house with your penis stapled to your shirt pocket.” I felt terrified. I said “oh ok” and walked out of the kitchen and went to my girlfriend’s room. I told her what happened and she laughed she said that he was just like that and ignore him and I was just like ok.
After that we had an off and on relationship for about a year. We did all kinds of thing with each other. Things I’m not gonna get into right now because there inappropriate but we were basically in love. We broke up because I caught her cheating on me. She moved to Alabama a couple of months after we broke up. I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss her sometimes. I do and I know I will never forget her and My First Real Relationship.

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